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Golden Days 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-10 15:48



热心网友 时间:2024-01-15 13:54

歌曲名:Golden Days
歌手:Bucks Fizz
专辑:Greatest Hits

Golden Days
The Damnwells
Air Stereo (2006)
On you mark get ready set
And run away for good
There's a bold and brighter light
Where my soul once stood
Fall apart confetti com on
Cry right on my sleeve
I am just a ghost of hearts
That break bittersweet
Am I in too
yeah Can't hear much
But the melody comming from you
Baby please don't rush
Keep the tempo slow and you
Let me hear the words you say
Let's go and get tangled in chains of golden days
Counting down T minus 10
And wait I still believe
there's a distance in your eyes
Only mine can see
Leave the ground behind us
I'll be floating round your lips
I am just a host arms
holding one for which
Am I in too
yeah Can't hear much
But the melody comming from you
Baby please don't rush
Keep the tempo slow and you
Let me hear the words you say
Let's go and get tangled in chains of golden days
Of golden days
Am I in too
yeah Can't hear much
But the melody comming from you
Baby please don't rush
Keep the tempo slow and you
Let me hear the words you say
Let's go and get tangled in chains of golden days
Am I in too
yeah Can't hear much
But the melody comming from you
Baby please don't rush
Keep the tempo slow and you
Let me hear the words you say
Let's go and get tangled in chains of golden days
Let's go and get tangled in chains of golden days
Let's go and get tangled in chains of golden days

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