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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-12 00:12



热心网友 时间:2024-05-01 16:16

   足球 这项活力四射的运动不仅给我们带来了精彩的比赛,也给英语增添了更多生动有趣的用法。在商务场合中足球术语也能准确地表达我们的意图。一起来看看吧!向你们介绍在 商务英语 中经常使用的10个足球术语。体育和商务在包括语言在内很多方面都紧密相关。

  1. To keep one’s eye on (or to take one’s eye off) the ball – to keep (or fail) to keep one’s focus on a particular matter

  1. To keep one’s eye on or to take one’s eye off the ball—把重点(或者没有把重点)放在特定的事上

  Ex: “In this business if you want to be successful, you need to keep your eye on the ball”.


  2. To know the score – to know the essential facts of the situation

  2. To know the score—了解重要的事实和情况

  EX: “I was going to bring Jane up to date with the situation but she already knows the score”.


  3. A game changer – an event or procere that could have a dramatic effect on the current policy or thinking

  3. A game changer—能对目前的*或者是想法产生重大影响的事或者步骤

  Ex: This new contract with The States could be a real game changer for our business.


  4. To blow the whistle on someone – to expose an illegal activity and the person(s) responsible within an organisation (A Whistle-Blower – Noun)

  4. To blow the whistle on someone—揭露组织内某人的不法行为(名词:A Whistle-Blower 告发者)

  Ex: “She was fed up with the way things were going and decided to blow the whistle on the company’s illegal activities”


  5. League – a class or category of excellence and quality

  5. League—高质量和品质的代表

  Ex: “When it comes to showmanship, David is in a league of his own”.


  6. To score an own goal – an act that unintentionally harms one’s own interests

  6. To score an own goal—乌龙球,无意识地损害自身利益的举动

  Ex: “Philip scored an own goal when he quit his job before signing a new contract.”


  7. To be on the ball – to be aware and quick to respond to new ideas

  7. To be on the ball—能迅速意识到和对新想法做出反应

  Ex: “You need to be on the ball in this job”.


  8. To watch from the sidelines – to be an observer rather than actively involved in a situation.

  8. To watch from the sidelines—作为旁观者,而不积极参与

  Ex: “Harry never gets involved in anything. He’s always watching from the sidelines.”


  9. To move the goalposts – to unfairly move the conditions or rules of proceres ring its course

  9. To move the goalposts—在进行过程中不公平地改变条件或者规则

  Ex: It’s impossible to plan anything in this company if management keeps moving the goalposts.


  10. To kick something off – to start something

  10. To kick something off—开始

  Ex: “Right. I’d like to kick this meeting off by welcoming our guest.”


  Enjoy the Football Season, folks.


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