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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-12 23:22



热心网友 时间:2024-01-08 03:47

  在树下看书,树叶飘下时,这样的画面不是很有诗意吗?下面是我给大家整理的有诗意的英文 短语 的相关知识,供大家参阅!
  1. His translation is exceptional in its poetic quality.


  2. 'And you,'returned Sydney, busy concocting the punch,'are such a sensitive and poetical spirit.'

  “ 可你呢, ” 西德尼一边忙着调五味酒,一边回答, “ 你却是这样一个敏感而有诗意的精灵. ”

  3. The interlacing branches on the picture look poetic.


  4. The enjoyment of the pine tree is probably most notable and of the greatest poetic significance.


  5. An illiterate could be truly poetic. A commoner may know all about Zen.

  一字不识而有诗意者,得诗家真趣; 一偈不参而有禅味者,悟禅教玄机.

  6. Not only has the formal beauty of calligraphy, more poetic connotation of the United States.

  不仅具有书法形式美, 更具有诗意内蕴美.

  7. The expression of symbolic image is the center of poetic multi - media installation art.


  8. Some are like buxom lassies and others are like slender, poetic, quiet ladies.

  有的象肥美的少女,有的象纤瘦的 、 有诗意的 、 恬静的贵妇.

  9. Though Wildeve's fevered feeling had elaborated to real poetical compass, it was of the standard sort.

  韦狄热烈的感情,虽然还没发展到真正有诗意的程度, 却是够得上标准.

  10. He was a man of strong, native, poetical feeling.

  他有一种强烈的, 自然的, 富有诗意的情操.

  11. But Europe held forth the charms of storied and poetical association.


  12. Zhou corridor, Qu folded around, so that garden quiet, poetic.

  周有回廊, 曲折叠绕, 使庭园清幽, 诗意盎然.

  13. Though there is little tender and lush fields in the northwest, another poetic emotion appears.

  西北那高爽的田野虽说少些柔美丰茂, 却也另有一番诗意.

  14. Every cuckoo tree seen in the museum today is over 50 years old.

  诗意的 英语短语 篇2

  You don't understand the poetry of life.


  The St. Lawrence River held a particular poetry and beauty to me and (I) decided to live therewith our daughter, Julie.


  People were a little afraid of her, as one is afraid of those whose vision is clear and who retaineverything, as one is afraid of life, with its inspirations, its unfathomable poetry.


  Maybe this is where poetry meets mathematics?


  If you spend a whole day here, you can experience the poetic changes here.


  I just know that those with true romance and poetry in their soul will see the subtlety immediately.


  Suppose that weignore this fundamental flaw and accept the ratio as a kind of poetic versionof the true law. But this is only the beginning of his problem.


  Saunders: Leonard Cohen later said that the opening verse of his poem, later to be the song"Suzanne", was a poetic account of the time he spent with her in the Summer of 1965.


  How he tries to fix what’s broken is poetic, but by the end he’s cracked and a killer, but one whois easy to sympathize with because he just got pushed too far.


  Water calligraphy is a poetic activity that you can observe in many Chinese parks: Artists use alarge brush to write Chinese characters using water instead of ink.


  Chinese people of faith" revealed the Chinese people have been calling faith, from clothing,food, shelter, New Age beliefs ethics for poetic expression.


  There are photographs there that have a certain poetic essence that you would expect later on in photography.

  But she goes further than Tolstoy in her commitment to the seemingly non-poetic.


  The result was a new style full of natural movement, sensuality and poetic atmosphere.


  Leonard heard about this place I was living, with crooked floors and a poetic view of the river,and he came to visit me many times.


  And the figure of the poetic rewards for chastity continues to surface throughout Milton's earlyworks.


  It's poetic and lyrical and if William James characteristically writes that way.


  But according to Mr Olsson - Armstrong may have subconsciously drawn from his poeticinstincts to utter a phrase that, far from being incorrect - was perfect for the moment.


  But according to Mr Olsson - Armstrong may have subconsciously drawn from his poeticinstincts to utter a phrase that, far from being incorrect - was perfect for the moment.

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