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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 00:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 11:00

At the top of the mountain there were thirty of us comrades.
At the foot of the mountain was a whole battalion of Kuomintang soldiers,surrounding us in a tight ring..


We had given the enemy a hard time They dared not come after us, but we could not get away .

Three days passed,with no fighting.It was clear that they meant to starve us out .We lived on the little wild fruit we could find as there was nothing else on the mountain in late autumn.

One evening ,as we were searching for berries and apricots ,little Cai suddenly shouted,"Hey,look what I have found here!sweet potatoes!"Before we could stop him ,he had rushed on to a potato plot and g up one of the potatoes.

"Don,t touch them!"we called out ."we,ll ask the political commissar what he think about it ."little Cai jumped up,looking a little ashamed of himself , for his hunger had made him forget army discipline.

There was a heated argument among the comrades.Some said we should eat the potatoes; others thought not..But before the political commissar had a chance to speak ,two of our scouts returned to report that the situation was favourable for breakthrough.We decided to fight our way out that night.

Three months passed ,and we found ourselves back in a village at the foot of the same mountain .It was a cold night ,and every door in the village was bolget.

We were just preparing to pass the night in the open when an old man came up to us ,and insisted that we should stay in his home .We were a little surprised ,for this was a newly-liberated area ,and we had not expected to meet with such kindness from the villagers.

when we entered his house ,the old men asked us to sit down ,and began serving us tea .We were feeing more puzzled than ever when he began to explain.

"I,ll tell you a queer story ,"he said ."last autumn a number of soldiers were surrounded by Koumintang troops on this mountain .I had a plot of sweet potatoes up there and I was worried about it.Several times I tried to go up the hillside to have a look ,but each time I was driven back by Koumintang men.

"One night there was the sound of firing .I thought the Red Army men had fought their way out ,and Iwas right .Next morning the Koumintang troops left and I hurryied up the mountain to my plot.

"I found a lot of my potatoes had been g up .I cursed my luck and began digging up those that were left .but the first thing Ig up was a piece of white cloth ,and wrapped in it were five silver dollars !

There was something written on the cloth .It said :"dear folk :We are Red Army men fighting the white troops .We have eaten your potatoes.Please accept these five dollars with our thank ."

The old man touched Little Tsai on the shoulder: "Comrade, I often wonder where these men have gone. I'd like to see them with my own eyes."

Little Tsai couldn't keep quiet any longer and burst out:
"Just look round, Grandpa. They're right here listening to you."

The old man grasped Little Tsai's hand tightly in his own. He gazed at us, one after another, while we all smiled happily and a little proudly. A wonderful feeling of warmth filled our hearts.

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