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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 00:45



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 19:52

With the development of technology, the cities becomes much more developed than countryside. In order to change this, government spends more time and money help countryside develop factories and transportation. Now, people can see there are much more different than before.
In the past, it would be hard to have a good medical treatment in the countryside. But people can go to big cities with the help of developing high ways, cars and buses. Many good doctors and nurses also come to countryside to help poeple get a better medical aids.
There was no good schools in the countryside and also devoid of good mechanical devices. Now, with the help of charities and kind rich people, many new school with advanced devices were build up in the countryside. In this way, more kids in suburbs could go to school and have a higher ecation.
In conclusion, development of the technology makes people's lives in the countryside more colorful and we can even see the changes in the countryside.

In the past, it would be hard to have a good medical treatment in the countryside. But people can go to big cities with the help of developing high ways, cars and buses. Many good doctors and nurses also come to countryside to help poeple get a better medical aids.There wa...


In the past, it would be hard to have a good medical treatment in the countryside. But people can go to big cities with the help of developing high ways, cars and buses. Many good doctors and nurses also come to countryside to help poeple get a better medical aids.There wa...


乡村生活英语作文 乡村生活的英语怎么说 乡村生活 country life更多释义>> [网路短语] 乡村生活 COUNTRY LIFE;Country Living;The Rural Life 南美的乡村生活 关于乡村生活的作文怎么写 “嘎——”的一声,公共汽车停下来了,我和我妈妈终于到了我那亲爱的、风景如画的家乡,经过种种困难,我们最终搭著爷爷的电动三轮...


they also miss some golden opportunities of making a fortune.


写一个《我的家乡》英语作文60词 欢迎来到我的家乡!上海是我的故乡。这是一个现代和繁忙的小镇。它有着悠久的历史。有许多大型超市,美丽的花园和良好的工厂在这里。这是很容易的去购物。你可以看到大树和漂亮的花朵。在上海有许多餐馆。在食品口味非常delicious.You可以享受它的eyery分钟。许多游客到...


我们村以北是伟大的田野。当春天来时,庄稼开始生长,把整个田野变成绿色。当庄稼在秋天变黄时,农民就开始收获了。Between the canal and our village is an orchard.There were only a few kinds of fruit trees years ago, but now the peasants grow many sorts, including peach, plum, apple ...


篇一:乡村生活 Life in Village 、The life in the village is very simple. In the daytime, people get up early. They make breakfast, clean the house and feed the animals. After breakfast, they go out and start their farm work. Sometimes, they stay outside all the day. They ...


Today is Sunday.It is raining.I have to stay at home with my family.Look!My mother is cooking.My father is talking to my grandfather about the newspapers.My sister is doing her homework.I am with my brother.We are playing comeputer games. 翻译:今天是周日。正在下雨。我不得...

以work in the countryside为题,写120字英文作文

中文翻译:在乡村工作 现在,越来越多的人选择在乡村而不是城市工作。这种趋势的原因和好处是什么?人们喜欢在乡村工作有几个原因。首先,乡村比城市有更好的环境。在农村地区,污染,噪音和交通都少得多。人们可以享受新鲜的空气,绿色的风景和宁静的氛围。其次,乡村比城市有更低的生活成本。住房,食物...


make it becomes a better city.【译文】深圳是我最喜欢的城市。她年轻富有活力。我在这里居住了10年。我爱这座城市的海鲜和美丽的风景。夏天来的时候,我可以去海边看日出,或者去享受冰爽的海水。在周末的时候,去公园散散步。深圳是我的家。等我长大了,我要为这所城市作出贡献,让她变得更好。

河北省安全生产监督管理局人员编制 河北省安全生产监督管理局其他事项 河北省安全生产监督管理局主要职责 硬盘里莫名其妙地丢了空间是怎么回事啊? ...但磁盘显示占用空间为60G,这22G去哪了?隐藏的备份文件才1G多。_百度... 刚把删除到回收站的文件还原了,但是在原盘里却找不到 为什么?,那可是22... 我的电脑C盘221G 提示已用50G 可是我的C盘里只有22G的东西 其余的空间... 为什么我硬盘里面删除了文件却没减少空间??哪位大老教教俺啊!!_百度... F盘有30G,属性显示占用了22G还有8G空间,可是我把所有文件加起来只有15G... 我的电脑F盘的空间明明只用了22G,但是属性里显示却有30G。高手解释一下... 作文《乡村巨变》1000字 乡村生活的变化征文 大概1000字左右 急! 乡村的变化与以前有什么不同的作文 乡村近几年的变化这篇作文和提纲怎么写 农村近年都有哪些变化? 乡村的变化征文1000字 关于新农村发展变化的作文 描述二十五乡村与现在乡村的变化作文 作文题目:乡村变化(800字以上) 作文:乡村变化 写下己自乡村的变化200字作文 农村的变化作文360字 乡村生活的改变2000以下作文 农村的变化600字作文 描写乡村变化的作文 乡村生活的变化作文500字 乡村变化的作文 农村的变化作文写1000字 乡村的变化作文 我男朋友名字里有一个淇字,我名字里有一个晴字,想要一个情侣专属昵称 请问为什么枇杷树叶子上有毛?快 枇杷树有绒毛吗? 驾照新规2022年新记分规定明细 4月1日起实施驾驶证新规,具体有哪些新规定? 枇杷树为什么叶子长毛 枇杷叶上面的毛毛有什么好办法可以速度去掉? 枇杷树叶背面为什么有毛? 驾照新规2021年10月新规定 深圳市东方宝盈投资有限公司怎么样? 枇杷树的叶子 为什么有毛 驾照新规4月1日实施,到底有什么变化? 宝盈基金管理有限公司怎么样? 一集日本动漫版权费多少 有大量的枇杷叶,上面的毛该怎么处理掉呢 橙色短羽绒服如何搭配裤子和靴子? 驾照扣分新规2021年新规定 动漫周边的正版授权费用一般是多少? 橘色羽绒服短款的怎样搭配? 买宝盈基金靠谱么? 枇杷为什么要剥皮,不剥皮可不可以吃?