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冰天雪地裸体跪求 英语课上演讲PPT

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-25 15:10



热心网友 时间:2024-01-01 01:19

These are 25+ general ideas and themes to help you inventing speech topics for a high school speech.
1. Strange experiences in a restaurant or bar.

2. Your most embarrassing moment.

3. Amazing discoveries or facts.

4. Adventure racing.

5. Astronomical signs.

6. Nursing your parents.

7. Islands in Oceania.

8. Railroads and trains.

9. How to visit an art museum.

10. Robotics in 2010.

11. Hurricanes, how do they begin.

12. Food photography is much difficult than you think.

13. A narrow escape from trouble ...

14. How to organize a surprise party.

15. Why are television soaps popular?

16. I want a new law on ...

17. What do you think about often?

18. What have you always wanted to do?

19. What would you like to change and why? This one is especially good as high school graation speech topic.

20. Things we can't understand.

21. What are your community activities?

22. Suggestions for a school field trip.

23. Dream explanation, ask for dreams and explain them.

24. Rhetorical questions, Socratical debating techniques.

25. Great places to go in the world.

26. Hiking trails nobody knows.

27. See Europe in seven days after high school.

Tip: stay close to your own interests when you develop high school speech topics.

College speech topics for college public speaking and speech writing assignments. More than 25 themes, suggestions and college speech ideas to help you on the road to a successful presentation:

1. Award or graation ceremonies revealed.
2. How to become a cheerleader.

3. Chemistry experiments and scientific breaktroughs.

4. Horse racing and betting proceres.

5. My plans for the future after college.

6. How spy sunglasses can see through clothes.

7. Diving expeditions to shipwrecks.

8. Famous painters and paintings from the Golden Century.

9. Favourite movie characters.

10. How to meet and greet Asian people politely.

11. Dining etiquette you must know for all occasions.

12. How digital music recording works.

13. How to impress people at first sight.

14. What would you do if you should have an unexpected week off?

15. What would you like to know more about.

16. What is your favourite career field?

17. Cloting styles and name brands for prom nights.

18. Famous fashion or sports apparel designers.

19. Your worsest campus activities.

20. Mountainbiking is fun and earthfriendly.

21. How I earn money with ... (fill in a not-ordinairy student job)

22. How to enhance campus life.

23. Fashion trends this spring and summer, atumn and winter.

24. The secrets of the Bermuda Triangle revealed.

25. The Hip-hop lifestyle is a no-life style.

26. Dangers of a cyberrelationship.

27. How to start your own Internet Broadcast program in three steps.

My tip: Determine and satisfy the needs of class mates when you prepare college speech topics.


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