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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-17 22:29



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 10:32

  开春之际,墨尔本多云劲风,每日平均光照时间为5.8 小时。晚春时候,天气开始转暖。数日之间,四季同现。
Melbourne has a mild climate, the four seasons.
Summer lasts from December to February.
For the average temperature in summer, Melbourne, typical summer 25.5 degrees Celsius, the climate is warm, sunny southern breeze from the cool and south-east. The summer heat, temperature can more than 40 ° c, but usually suddenly turn cold, sometimes there is a thunderstorm.
Autumn: march to may
Temperatures dipped in autumn, Melbourne, about 20 degrees Celsius this season most pleasant. Autumn mostly neither too hot nor too cold, sunny, afternoon, a gentle wind. Autumn season, it is cloudy and showers.
Winter: June to August
Melbourne, Australia minimum temperatures in winter night, sometimes will frost. Within the city, but won't snow mountains near the occasional snowflakes falling. Daytime temperatures average about 14 degrees, but low temperature to 4 degrees centigrade. In alpine region, the average temperature in - 5-5 ° c.
Spring: September to November
The spring, Melbourne, the average daily brisk wind cloudy time for 5.8 hours. When the weather starts late warmer. For now, the four seasons with between.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 10:32

Daiwen as a loyal user, I get from the net a lot of useful help, but has not写点什么reference to the later is a bit ashamed. Taking advantage of the now very busy working on the first point to write your own feelings.
Almost a year to Melbourne, it should be said on the local life has been a lot of awareness, but also found a lot of unexpected content in China.
First of all, the climate. I chose to migrate to Australia is one of the reasons for the climate. Always thought that here before the winter is not cold, not hot in summer, spring, and the total temperature and humidity maintained at a suitable range. Beijing to have suffered a severe weather, I look forward to a paradise it is here. But I was wrong.
When I first came to the winter when most of the house without heating, if it rains, it will become cold, cold. Winter minimum temperature of 5-9 degrees in general, sometimes to 1-3 degrees. If there is no heating, the house will be like what the temperature. In Beijing in the winter indoors if the temperature dropped to 16 degrees, it will get into on the heating sector, now have their own ailing more than cold. Of course, many other electric heating, but also expensive than China for the electricity, burning a winter how much money? So put it on the能忍.
Spring and summer here is the most volatile temperature changes, before and after two days of 15 degrees maximum temperature difference is not surprising, but a lot ring the day and night temperature difference, difference of 15,20 degrees, what is not. Here before I know that temperature, but did not expect so much. Therefore, it was often able to see a daylight Accessories nothing, but his waist line was a sweater. However, this may also be sweet fruits domestic reasons than you.
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