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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-19 22:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 03:09

对话汉译英,场景:Asking about health 询问健康

Will :Where's Tony this evening?
Anna:他正躺在床上呢。 He is lying in bed.
Will: What's wrong with him
Ann: He is ill. (or: He doesn't feel well)

汉译英,场景:Getting to the bank 去银行

A: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the bank?
B:对不起,我对这里也不熟悉。 (I'm sorry. I'm also unfamiliar with nearby regions)

对话汉译英,场景:Extending the invitation 发出邀请
Bill: hi, George. Would you like to go to see a movie with us at the night of this Friday?
George:Oh, thanks for inviting me, Bill. But I can't come. I'm busy that night. 我要去参加一场宴会。 I will have to join a party.
Bill :Oh, well. We will miss you.

汉译英,场景:Getting to the bank 去银行

A: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the bank?
B:I'm sorry. I'm also unfamiliar with nearby regions.
C:Let me take you to there。It's on my route.

对话汉译英,场景:Asking about health 询问健康
Allen:我最近一直没有见到Bob,他怎么样. I have never seen Bob recently. How is he?
Peter: He is ok, but a little busy for his marriage.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 03:09

annan:he is lying on bed ,he was ill ,
will:what wrong with him
Anna:he eat some food out of date .

汉译英,场景:Getting to the bank 去银行
a:excuse ,where is the way go to bank
B:i am sorry ,i am a passing traveller.

对话汉译英,场景:Extending the invitation 发出邀请

bill: can you attend my party this weekend?
George:Oh, thanks for inviting me, Bill. But I can't come. I'm busy that
night. Bill :Oh, well. We will miss you.

汉译英,场景:Getting to the bank 去银行
a:excuse ,where is the way to the bank
b:i am sorry ,i donot know
C:let me help you,It's on my route.

allen:i have not seen bob for a long time , how is he ,do you know
david :i have seen him two days age ,he is ok ,
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