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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-02 17:15



热心网友 时间:2024-04-05 16:09

  Quiet warm summer out of the people in the world, the arrival of autumn quietly, summer is not sentimentally attached to this world, because he will come back, however, summer is the best season in my mind, the most beautiful in the summer.

  Summer is hot and lovely season, people on the golden beaches of the foot up as soft as snow, blue and sometimes playing pretty deep sea spray, like a soft blueberry jelly, sometimes obvious, sometimes seems like a child playing hide and seek The hide.

  Summer grass is always warm sun shining, the sun is particularly bright, some people also like to eat cold summer ice cream.

  In the summer season the children who always like to go to a distant village from urban life, always like to sit outside their own thatched shack sun, eat watermelon, summer in the country, like a trace of the cool wind blowing over the side, and exceptionally cool summer countryside, in the clear brook clear slapstick kids in a small stream thorough pants rolled up, cheerful name of water fights, the slightest cool, the body is all wet. But with the summer sun, you will not need to worry about the body's cold.

  Summer is the best season in my mind, in the city, it is like a blossoming bright summer dazzling flowers, always fragrant, in the countryside, the summer is like a clear stream, clean and cool in the summer, the The sun is the most beautiful summer glow!





  Summer comes after spring. It is the warmest season in the year. It often rains ,sometimes quite heavily. Everything grows very quickly. Young people love this time of year because it is good for sports .I often go swimming ,sometimes in a lake near my home, and sometimes in the river. I enjoy it very much.


  春天过去了,夏天来临了。它是一年中最暖和的季节。夏天经常下雨,有时雨还很大。万物都生长的非常快。年轻人喜欢一年中的这个季节因为它是运动的好时节。我经常去 游泳 ,有时在我家附近的一个小湖里,有时在小河里。我非常喜欢夏天。
  I love summer very much. In summer, it's hot, and sometimes it's rainy. People wear T-shirts, shorts and sunglasses. Girls love to wear dresses and skirts.

  I love swimming in summer. So I always go swimming with my parents in the sea. Sometimes, I like to play basketball on the playground with my friends if it's not very hot.

  My favourite food in summer is ice-cream. It's very cold and sweet. It's delicious for me in summer.

  Wow, summer is really my favourite season!


  我喜欢游泳,夏天。所以我一直跟我的父母在海中游泳。有时候,我喜欢与我的朋友们在操场打 篮球 ,如果它是不是很热。


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