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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 23:51



热心网友 时间:2023-07-29 13:39

I riffled through all members of the diary, found that many people write to the topic and home, so today I want to talk about my family feel. The beginning of the university, and I live on campus the beginning of life, believe that a lot of people like me. This a few months, I to the words of a lot of people said the description of the word more and more deeply feel the house, the sentence is common: the house is the most warm harbor. For example, a few days ago, to call home, mom and dad are only and I said a words heard out I catch a cold, I kept telling them I almost ready, but they still has been told I should wear more clothes drink water more, want to take care of yourself.
I thought perhaps home is like the words of ordinary words, also is a very ordinary place, but this ordinary the harbour, because I love the people and I love the people, so to feel warm and clinking. Will just want, every happy moment all down and they share; Will, every time sad time, to phone home, said a few words, and can immediately happy. During the day, was very busy, think about home, will be full of power, and move on. Night, are going to sleep, quietly think of home, will sleep. This is my family feel. No words to describe the beauty of, insipid warm home is the most I truly feel.
Finally, I want to say what, we hope that the class is also more and more feel at home. At the same time, we almost holiday, I wish you all the leaves go home, have a pleasant holiday. thank you

热心网友 时间:2023-07-29 13:39

I look at your members diary, found that many people wrote and relevant topic, so today I want to talk about my feeling of home.

University beginning, is also my school life began, I believe there are a lot of people like me. This months, I on that a lot of people say describe word feeling more and more deep, the words are common: home is the most warm harbour. For example, a few days ago, to call home, mom and dad told me a word will hear out of my cold, I kept telling them I'm almost done, but they always ask me to wear more clothes to drink plenty of water, take good care of yourself.

I think, maybe like the words of ordinary words, is also a very ordinary place, but the ordinary Bay, because I love and who loves me, so will feel warm. You can think of, every happy moment are recorded and they share; will, sad time when, give a phone call home, to say a few words, and can immediately. During the day, when busy, like a home, will be full of power, continue to advance. Night, going to sleep, Ann quietly think of home, will sleep. This is my feeling of home. There is no gorgeous words to describe, ll warmth is my most true feelings.

Finally I want to say is, we hope that this class can also more and more feel at home. Also, we are going to have a holiday, I wish you a holiday home, spent a happy holiday.

Thank you
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