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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-31 19:55



热心网友 时间:2024-04-08 10:43



Thanksgiving Campus

Who, holding a red sun rising

Who is, participate in nurturing seedlings into the sky

Is that you, the alma mater of chastity

Is that you, the selfless dedication of the alma mater

In five years

Are you accompany us laugh

In five years

Are you playing with us

In five years

You give us knowledge

In five years

Is your attention to our growth

Thank you, my alma mater

Is that you let us know the importance of study,

You give us the provides a learning environment

Let us thank you, we decided to

To get good study, thank you, thank you for your chastity

To get excellent results: Thank you, thank you for your selfless dedication



in school,

when i saw you

i intuited i have found

my lost world in you

i wish i could act

to be appreciated

by you in school.

in school,

it would be too sad

to narrate the ordeal

i have been through

i wonder if its best

i had met you

in the school.

in school,

though i had not said it

there has been so many ways

that i have shown it

my actions had done

whatever i wanted to say

at school.

in school,

i never thought

being in love

could take me to madness

well,it is better than

leaving me in sadness

in the school.

in school,

when i approached you

i knew i was silly

it was because


i forgot who i was

in school

in school,

why do you sneer

when i am near

it really breaks me

just tell me what to do

to get a room from you

in and out of school.

in school,

sometimes though it is hard

i guess i must let go

some things i wish to have

though good things also

could be found elsewhere

as it has been in school.

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