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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-01 16:37



热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 10:25

Financing is starts an undertaking the enterprise fund movement beginning, is decides the fund movement scale and the proction management degree of development important link. Presently, starts an undertaking the enterprise to finance difficultly to become in the economical development a focal point question. Starts an undertaking the enterprise to finance difficultly, not only is puzzling enterprise own development, also has restricted the place economy development seriously. Melts starts an undertaking the enterprise financing difficult position, becomes an important issue which the current government, the enterprise and the bank face together. At present, the developed country starts an undertaking enterprise's financing way mainly to be possible to divide into two large models: One kind is take Britain and America as representative take the capital market - stock market as the leading financing pattern, mainly is suitable in the enterprise two times starts an undertaking; Another kind is take East Asian countries and Germany and so on the Japan, South Korea as representative take bank loan financing as the leading pattern, bank loan financing approximately composes above enterprise exterior financing 80%. The solution starts an undertaking the enterprise to finance the difficult question to need the government, the enterprise, the bank and the social various aspects sychromesh, takes the positive measure, melts together. Self-development ability and the credit idea are the improvement start an undertaking the enterprise financing environment, finally solves finances the difficult question basic outlet. Must realize is the increase starts an undertaking the enterprise loan to the honest code of honor, harmonious silver business relates the best means, persisted the good faith code of honor, enhances the capital letter, depends upon the good credit, the real information wins the bank the trust and the support; The bank must improve the financial service, carries out the financial innovation positively.
Key word: Starts an undertaking the enterprise; Financing; Financing pattern; Financing question;

热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 10:25

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