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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-17 08:56



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 08:37

In the depths of a fine spring day in the woods, live in a variety of small animals, they play together, live in harmony, unity and fraternity.

A sunny morning, the sun has just exposed a face, a turtle crawled up from the bed, stretched by a huge lazy waist, walked slowly, "evergreen" brand treadmills before, pressing the switch will "clatter - clatter -- command to a horse, "began the morning run. Suddenly, "ding-dong ding-dong ~ ~" the door bell rang. "It's so early it, Who?" Turtle walked slowly side to side of the door. Open the door to see, Oh! Was originally a small rabbit ah! Rabbit one hop the door said: "Remember the last race not? You win it is because I do not want you embarrassing, Pashang your self-esteem, it deliberately with you. But in order to arrive at a real race results, we in private and then kind of comparison and how? "" 呀 ~ is more afraid than than that? "turtle readily agreed.

Thus, the rabbit out of her bag inside a 2 "notice", "This notification is for cows uncle, we are informed who is to put its own hands uncle was sent to the cattle, who even win!" The tortoise took over the notice. When the wall when the clock reached 7:00. Start of the race!

Should first lens to the bar Rabbit - Yi Liuyan rabbit out of a turtle at home, went to the road side, opposite the taxi desperately waving ~ riding on a taxi, very comfortably while enjoying air-conditioning, side of it, in the belly giggle secretly Hei hei , "Ha Ha ~ I hit a taxi to go to every 10 minutes to pull, to when you became my turtle rabbit fall by the wayside pull ~ Jesus!." Look at the turtle, are fundamentally do not go out! Saw him leisurely walk in front of computers, open the computer. Scan to cattle uncle's share of notice, and then they used to open his own e-mail, and to give notice of cows uncle sent cattle uncle's QQ mailbox. He then leisurely made his way to create a new network for Latin America ~

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 08:37

In the depths of a fine spring day in the woods, live in a variety of small animals, they play together, live in harmony, unity and fraternity.

A sunny morning, the sun has just exposed a face, a turtle crawled up from the bed, stretched by a huge lazy waist, walked slowly, "evergreen" brand treadmills before, pressing the switch will "clatter - clatter -- command to a horse, "began the morning run. Suddenly, "ding-dong ding-dong ~ ~" the door bell rang. "It's so early it, Who?" Turtle walked slowly side to side of the door. Open the door to see, Oh! Was originally a small rabbit ah! Rabbit one hop the door said: "Remember the last race not? You win it is because I do not want you embarrassing, Pashang your self-esteem, it deliberately with you. But in order to arrive at a real race results, we in private and then kind of comparison and how? "" 呀 ~ is more afraid than than that? "turtle readily agreed.

Thus, the rabbit out of her bag inside a 2 "notice", "This notification is for cows uncle, we are informed who is to put its own hands uncle was sent to the cattle, who even win!" The tortoise took over the notice. When the wall when the clock reached 7:00. Start of the race!

Should first lens to the bar Rabbit - Yi Liuyan rabbit out of a turtle at home, went to the road side, opposite the taxi desperately waving ~ riding on a taxi, very comfortably while enjoying air-conditioning, side of it, in the belly giggle secretly Hei hei , "Ha Ha ~ I hit a taxi to go to every 10 minutes to pull, to when you became my turtle rabbit fall by the wayside pull ~ Jesus!." Look at the turtle, are fundamentally do not go out! Saw him leisurely walk in front of computers, open the computer. Scan to cattle uncle's share of notice, and then they used to open his own e-mail, and to give notice of cows uncle sent cattle uncle's QQ mailbox. He then leisurely made his way to create a new network for Latin America 额 你这是新版的龟兔赛跑吗

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 08:37

In the depths of a fine spring day in the woods, live in a variety of small animals, they play together, live in harmony, unity and fraternity.

A sunny morning, the sun has just exposed a face, a turtle crawled up from the bed, stretched by a huge lazy waist, walked slowly, "evergreen" brand treadmills before, pressing the switch will "clatter - clatter -- command to a horse, "began the morning run. Suddenly, "ding-dong ding-dong ~ ~" the door bell rang. "It's so early it, Who?" Turtle walked slowly side to side of the door. Open the door to see, Oh! Was originally a small rabbit ah! Rabbit one hop the door said: "Remember the last race not? You win it is because I do not want you embarrassing, Pashang your self-esteem, it deliberately with you. But in order to arrive at a real race results, we in private and then kind of comparison and how? "" 呀 ~ is more afraid than than that? "turtle readily agreed.

Thus, the rabbit out of her bag inside a 2 "notice", "This notification is for cows uncle, we are informed who is to put its own hands uncle was sent to the cattle, who even win!" The tortoise took over the notice. When the wall when the clock reached 7:00. Start of the race!

Should first lens to the bar Rabbit - Yi Liuyan rabbit out of a turtle at home, went to the road side, opposite the taxi desperately waving ~ riding on a taxi, very comfortably while enjoying air-conditioning, side of it, in the belly giggle secretly Hei hei , "Ha Ha ~ I hit a taxi to go to every 10 minutes to pull, to when you became my turtle rabbit fall by the wayside pull ~ Jesus!." Look at the turtle, are fundamentally do not go out! Saw him leisurely walk in front of computers, open the computer. Scan to cattle uncle's share of notice, and then they used to open his own e-mail, and to give notice of cows

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 08:38

In the depths of a fine spring day in the woods, live in a variety of small animals, they play together, live in harmony, unity and fraternity.

A sunny morning, the sun has just exposed a face, a turtle crawled up from the bed, stretched by a huge lazy waist, walked slowly, "evergreen" brand treadmills before, pressing the switch will "clatter - clatter -- command to a horse, "began the morning run. Suddenly, "ding-dong ding-dong ~ ~" the door bell rang. "It's so early it, Who?" Turtle walked slowly side to side of the door. Open the door to see, Oh! Was originally a small rabbit ah! Rabbit one hop the door said: "Remember the last race not? You win it is because I do not want you embarrassing, Pashang your self-esteem, it deliberately with you. But in order to arrive at a real race results, we in private and then kind of comparison and how? ""呀~ is more afraid than than that? "turtle readily agreed.

Thus, the rabbit out of her bag inside a 2 "notice", "This notification is for cows uncle, we are informed who is to put its own hands uncle was sent to the cattle, who even win!" The tortoise took over the notice. When the wall when the clock reached 7:00. Start of the race!

Should first lens to the bar Rabbit - Yi Liuyan rabbit out of a turtle at home, went to the road side, opposite the taxi desperately waving ~ riding on a taxi, very comfortably while enjoying air-conditioning, side of it, in the belly giggle secretly Hei hei , "Ha Ha ~ I hit a taxi to go to every 10 minutes to pull, to when you became my turtle rabbit fall by the wayside pull ~ Jesus!." Look at the turtle, are fundamentally do not go out! Saw him leisurely walk in front of computers, open the computer. Scan to cattle uncle's share of notice, and then they used to open his own e-mail, and to give notice of cows uncle sent cattle uncle's QQ mailbox. He then leisurely made his way to create a new network for Latin America !!

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