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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 21:17



热心网友 时间:2022-06-01 22:02

展开1全部Jan. Austin excels to portray the lovable incomparable high virtuous young woman, these she likes the role will be full of beauty and significance in hers writing, graceful. But she instead satirizes the words are bend over to pick up all are, I thought that reads her novel endless enjoyment the place, lies in looked that she spares no effort the leisure class which taunts these to be blinded by greed affectedly virtuously, her big social small stage is only restricted in 34 incident cross-correlations generally the high families, several lifelike characters glisten are taken to the threshing ground the dective all things in society hundred condition, but revolves the subject forever is young girl's love and the marriage, the birthplace also often is the enchanting scenery, the thing grass lush grass village, in this wood happily by to glory, spring but trickle the rivulet place stands in great numbers on several unique hut, takes a broad view looks, the mountain range towers, has winds the mountain valley and the rugged alley, has the possibility to bloom floret all over the mountains and plains, certainly most enchanting must calculate young girl's clear delightful frank laughter. Green Italy abundant, the full of vitality spring day, the sunlight scatters the winter the dreariness, sprinkles people's moral nature, young people's at picnic time tweedle singing sound loud noise endless leap lawn, flutters to a farther wooded mountain, has anything to let the human compared to this think happily comfortable, fascinating. the Britain was most has the performance idyll style the place, the creator pours into and has bestowed most tender feelings in here.
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