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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 21:04



热心网友 时间:2022-07-08 02:57

Apparent movement
Motion-picture film is a strip of discrete, still pictures but proces the visual impression of continuous movement. Stationary light bulbs coming on one after the other over the theatre entrance also proce an impression of steady movement. In part, such effects of apparent movement (called the visual phi phenomenon) depend on persistence of vision: visual response outlasts a stimulus by a fraction of a second. When the interval between successive flashes of a stationary light is less than this visual-persistence time, the flicker will appear to fuse into a continuous light. The flicker frequency at which this occurs is called the perceiver's flicker-fusion frequency (or critical flicker frequency) and represents the temporal resolving power of his visual system at the time. Another process on which apparent movement depends is a tendency (called visual closure or phi) to fill in the spaces between adjacent visual objects. This means that the movement detectors of the visual system are triggered as effectively by a closely spaced pair of lights alternately going on and off as by a single light moving back and forth. It would seem that two aspects of visual function (flicker fusion and phi) make the motion-picture instry possible.
视觉暂留现象(Visual staying phenomenon,ration of vision),
物体在快速运动时, 当人眼所看到的影像消失后,人眼仍能继续保留其影像0.1-0.4秒左右的图像,这种现象被称为视觉暂留现象。是人眼具有的一种性质。人眼观看物体时,成像于视网膜上,并由视神经输入人脑,感觉到物体的像。但当物体移去时,视神经对物体的印象不会立即消失,而要延续0.1 -0.4秒秒的时间,人眼的这种性质被称为“眼睛的视觉暂留”是视神经对图象速度的反应,速度对暂留的作用很大,暂留图象没有纵深幻觉。

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