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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-22 12:17



热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 23:18

Along with the bridge service life's growth as well as bridge load's day-by-day enlargement, our country many bridges presented the breakage, therefore how studies to repair these bridges to become now the bridge design important topic. Through to the present our country majority of bridge repair's example analysis, the bridge reinforcement is services plant disease bridge, to sharpen the bridge bearing capacity to be most basic, the most commonly used method, proposed the bridge reinforcement's basic principle, elaborated the bridge reinforcement common method and the mechanism, the characteristic, has given the bridge reinforcement plan choice standard. the bridge is the highway traffic pharynx and larynx, its use function quality immediate influence entire strip line's unimpeded, also has in the road, because receives the design which, the material, the construction reinforcement at that time limited and so on various aspects influence, has restricted the highway transportation enterprise's development seriously, in addition cannot adapt the volume of traffic to grow now, causes the old bridge examination and the old bridge reinforcement technology appears very urgent rapidly. key word: Bridge building; Reinforcement principle; Reinforcement method; Reinforces the mechanism; Reinforcement characteristic; Reinforcement plan choice

热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 23:18

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