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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-23 07:30



热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 06:52

goal:Understood that from 2008 to 2010 clinical separates Baoman not the walking beam strain distribution and bears the medicine characteristic, and provides the reference for the clinical reasonable use antibiotics. The method uses the slip of paper diffusion process (the KB law) or the self-reacting device clinical separates the Baoman walking beam strain not to enter takes a walk the sensitive experiment, according to CLSI in 2007 the standard determination medicine sensitive result, and carries on the data analysis with the WHONET5.4 software. The result in the statistical 582 Baoman motionless bacillus, the clinical specimen originates by the respiratory tract accounts for 85.40% primarily; The clinical administrative offices distribution accounts for 20.45% primarily by ICU; This fungus in tests in the antibiotic, its drug resistance assumes year by year the trend of escalation. The conclusion to this fungus's monitor in demonstrated that its infection and the drug resistance in clinical assume year by year the trend of escalation, should continue to strengthen bacterium's drug resistance monitor to instruct the clinical reasonable application antibiotics, slows down the bacterium drug resistance proliferation.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 06:53

Objective to understand the clinical 2008 to 2010 a. baumanii separated strains of the distribution and drug resistance characteristics, and for clinical rational use of antimicrobial agents to provide the reference. Methods using disc diffusion method (KB method) or automatic instrument clinical a. baumanii separated strains on CLSI fungi susceptibility test in 2007, according to standard, and judge antimicrobial susceptibility test results WHONET5.4 software analyzes the data. Results in statistical 582 strains of acinetobacter baumannii, clinical specimens with respiratory tract of 85.40% mainly sources; Clinical departments in the ICU 20.45% mainly distribution of; The bacteria in the test, its resistance to antibiotics show ascendant trend. Conclusion to the bacteria in the monitoring of the infection and resistance display in clinical increasing year by year, should continue to strengthen the bacteria to guide clinical resistance monitoring reasonable application of antimicrobial agents, slow bacterial resistance to spread.
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