发布时间:2022-04-22 22:04
时间:2023-07-06 17:47
FCC Part 15 -Computing Devices, Cordless Telephones, Satellite Receivers, TV Interface Devices, Receivers, Low Power Transmitters FCC Part 18 - Instrial, Scientific, and Medical Equipment, i.e. Microwave, RF Lighting Ballast (ISM)
FCC Part 22 -Cellular Telephones
FCC Part 24 - Personal Communications Systems, covers licensed personal communications services
FCC Part 68 -All Types of Telecommunications Terminal Equipment, i.e. Telephones ,modems,etc
FCC Part 74 -Experimental Radio, Auxiliary, Special Broadcast and other program distributional services
FCC Part 90 -Private Land Mobile Radio Services includes Paging Devices and Mobile Radio Transmitters, covers land mobile radio procts such as high- powered walkie-talkies
FCC Part 95 -Personal Radio Service, includes devices such as Citizens Band (CB) transmitters, radio-controlled (R/C) toys, and devices for utilization under the family radio service申请流程先申请一个FRN,用来填写其它的表格。如果申请人是第一次申请FCC ID,就需要申请一个永久性的Grantee Code。在等待FCC批准分发给申请人Grantee Code的同时,申请人应抓紧时间将设备进行检测。待准备好所有FCC要求提交的材料并且检测报告已经完成时,FCC应该已经批准了Grantee Code。申请人用这个Code、检测报告和要求的材料在网上完成FCC Form 731和Form 159。FCC收到Form 159和汇款后,就开始受理认证的申请。FCC受理ID申请的平均时间为60天。受理结束时,FCC会将FCC ID的Original Grant寄给申请人。申请人拿到证书后就可以出售或出口相应产品了。