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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-15 18:53



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:05

As your request, attach please find a set of 4 copied invoice for your import permit application.
Thank you and your invoice # 312 has been received. We now processing the import permit application. You will be informed once the permit is ready.
Your letter dated 9 th Sep been received. We are sorry that we cannot deal for the price is considerable a bit higher than we expected.
Another batch of sample was sent to you. We trust that once you see the sample
you will accept that our proct is resonable good price with good quality
Refer to your letter dated 11 th Aug about the quotation of our proct. We decided to offer a courtesy discount at 5% less to you. Please be understanded this a very exceptional case. The price for further order will remain unchanged
as the oringinal quotation ($60 per doz). If we don't hear from you before
15 th Sep. We will no able to reserve the stock for you. We look forward for your order.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:06

application, once approved, the letter immediately.
3. You on July 9 received a letter, thank you. Unfortunately, the high price you can not be traded.
4. We have sent another batch of samples, convinced that once you have the opportunity to view samples will be recognized after the goods of good quality, reasonable price.
5. You received a letter on August 11. Poplin shirt up on our offer, it is between you and me, taking into account the long-term business relationship, the current group of order we are prepared to give you a special discount of five per cent, you have to understand that this compromise can not be used as a precedent for the future is still We should hit 60 U.S. dollars per the original order. If Sept. 15 has not been hearing from you, we will not be able to retain the goods for you, look forward to receiving your orders
英语狂人LIN 回答采纳率:24.7% 2008-11-13 21:52 检举
1. In accordance with your request, we have the honor to transmit canned fruit in the form of four copies of invoices for you to apply for import permits.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:06

1.Request according to your square, enclose with the fruit form of our can invoice with the letter one the type be 4 and be provided for you to apply for the import certificate use.
2.Receive your square No.312th form invoice, thank.We are apply for import certificate, as soon as permit and right away the letter tell.
3.You are square to write us and accept to know on July 9, thanks.Very sorry, you the square price be higher, can't clinch a deal.
4.We mail another sample 1 and believe deeply once your having an opportunity will certainly admit that goods good quality after look into sample, the price is reasonable.
5.You the letter receives on August 11.As for our poplin repair a Shan offer affair, in consideration of you my long-term business relation, order goods us to prepare currently to these give you 5% of the special discounts, you have to comprehend, this concession can't be a precedent, hereafter should still press the original price order that we beat USD 60 each time.If didn't get your square echo by September 15, we will can't reserve goods for you, hope to receive you soon of order form.
More nasty! Thank!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:07

application, once approved, the letter immediately.
3. You on July 9 received a letter, thank you. Unfortunately, the high price you can not be traded.
4. We have sent another batch of samples, convinced that once you have the opportunity to view samples will be recognized after the goods of good quality, reasonable price.
5. You received a letter on August 11. Poplin shirt up on our offer, it is between you and me, taking into account the long-term business relationship, the current group of order we are prepared to give you a special discount of five per cent, you have to understand that this compromise can not be used as a precedent for the future is still We should hit 60 U.S. dollars per the original order. If Sept. 15 has not been hearing from you, we will not be able to retain the goods for you, look forward to receiving your orders
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