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Carly Rae Jepsen的《Sweetie》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-07 04:51



热心网友 时间:2024-06-13 23:33

歌手:Carly Rae Jepsen
专辑:Kiss Deluxe Version

Carly Rae Jepsen
We were both heading different ways
Both in a rush, trying to get away
I ran into you, like a crash of thunder
Out in the rain, waiting for the bus
We started talking about different stuff
And it's true, there's an eight world wonder
And from now on
You're not as lonely as you think you are
I'm trying to tell you
Anything you want boy, I can make it happen
We could fall in love, and I can be your sweetie
Anytime it takes boy, i'll be your distraction
We can make it happen, I can be your sweetie, sweetie
You're not as lonely as you think you are
I'm trying to tell you
Anything you want boy, I can make it happen
We could fall in love, and I can be your sweetie, sweetie
I'm down to take any glass of wine
I stay up late, and I struck your time
When i'm with you, I feel a different hunger
You held my head, and you didn't let go
I'm gonna kiss you now, I though you should know
I know when it's true, there's an eighth world wonder
And from now on
You're not as lonely as you think you are
I'm trying to tell you
Anything you want boy, I can make it happen
We could fall in love, and I can be your sweetie
Anytime it takes boy, i'll be your distraction
We can make it happen, I can be your sweetie, sweetie
You're not as lonely as you think you are
I'm trying to tell you
Anything you want boy, I can make it happen
We could fall in love, and I can be your sweetie
Anything you want boy, anything you need
Anything you want boy, anything you need
Anything you want boy, I can make it happen
We could fall in love, and I can be your sweetie
Anytime it takes boy, i'll be your distraction
We can make it happen, I can be your sweetie, sweetie
You're not as lonely as you think you are
I'm trying to tell you
Anything you want boy, I can make it happen
We could fall in love, and I can be your sweetie
Anytime it takes boy, i'll be your distraction
We can make it happen, I can be your sweetie, sweetie
You're not as lonely as you think you are
I'm trying to tell you
That all I wanna do, is be truth to you
And give you satisfaction, sweetie, sweetie yeah

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