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有首很好听的英文歌歌词中有句in the evening是什么歌啊

发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-06 12:45



热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 19:46

Moonlight Shadow 月光下的影子
演唱者:Groove Coverage

The last that ever she saw him, carried away by a moonlight shadow,
He passed on worried and warning, carried away by a moonlight shadow,
Lost in a river that Saturday night, far away on the other side,
he was caught in the middle of a desperate fight, and she couldn t find how to push through.

Verse 2-
The trees that whisper in the evening, carried away by a moonlight shadow,
Sing a song of sorrow and grieving, carried away by a moonlight shadow,
All she saw was a silhouette of a gun, far away on the other side,
He was shot six times by a man on the run, and she couldn t find how to push through.

I stay, I pray, see you in heaven far away.
I stay, I pray, i see you in heaven one day.

Verse 3-
Four a.m. in the morning, carried away by a moonlight shadow,
I watched your vision forming, carried away by a moonlight shadow,
stars roll slowly in a silvery night, far away on the other side,
Will you come to talk to me this night, but she couldn t find how to push through.

I stay, I pray, I see you in heaven far away,
I stay, I pray, I see you in heaven one day.

Verse 4-
Caught in the middle of a hundred and five,
The night was heavy and the air was alive, but she couldn’t find how to push through.
Carried away by a moonlight shadow. Carried away by a moonlight shadow, oooh
but she couldn t find how to push throgh



热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 19:47

In The Evening

演唱者: Led Zeppelin

In the evening, when the day is done
Im looking for a woman, but the girl dont come
So dont let her, play you for a fool
She dont show no pity baby, she dont make no rules

*chorus: oh, oh, I need your love, I need your love
Oh, I need your love, I just got to have

So dont you let her, oh, get under your skin
Its only bad luck and trouble, from the day that you begin
I hear you crying in the darkness, dont ask nobodys help
Aint no pockets full of mercy baby, cause you can only blame yourself


Oh its simple, all the pain that you go through
You can turn away from fortune, fortune, cause thats all thats left to you
Its lonely at the bottom, man, its dizzy at the top
But if youre standing in the middle, aint no way youre gonna stop


Oh whatever that your days may bring
No use hiding in a corner, cause that wont change a thing
If youre dancing in the doldrums, one day soon, its got to stop, its got to stop
When youre the master of the off-chance, when you dont expect a lot

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