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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-07 16:11



热心网友 时间:2024-11-22 13:15

Suit secret

According to the famous American male fashion "gentleman's magazine ten best dressed man elected year, presidential contender barack Obama with its concise and cutting fit dress style list. Obama often wearing black suit with white shirt is tie-in, very simple decently. That Obama wear what brand of suit? Now to explore President Obama suits secret. Obama wears what brand of suit? Along with the Obama campaign, his good image also become fashion, and even Hollywood, the focus of ordinary people. According to bild unveiled Obama life of 20 secret details, found that Obama wear hart Max card suit is the most common and most compelling. When French President nicolas sarkozy such modern political leaders Givency, Lanvin (cosmetics choice),Ugg Boots, Prada, handbags, handbags) (cosmetics, Obama but chose hart Max the U.S. men's clothing brand, these suits very cheap,ugg ultra short 5225, general $500 to $1,500 or so. But Obama is keen to this card, and image points or very good. Hart Max suit what charm? A pair of Hart (Hart) called brother, in Chicago in the ruins of the city created a little men's clothing store the company. Six years later, shop is already old guest consolidate,ugg classic cardy boots Man coat fashion, new guest drive-travelers. With four founder's wit,ugg classic metallic boots Men's coat,ugg ultra short boots, hart Max soon became an American men's world "Jones,", in the men's world enjoying himself a new road. In 1897, hart Max released American clothing first a national advertising, become the first use of advertising strategies for brand publicity garment company, was a sensation. In 1918, then close, hart Max world in France have published a international advertising, hit another sale miracle. Also become the first use "event marketing" and international advertising strategy propaganda company. Hart - Max was the first to use "tall, short, fat, thin" figure specifications "such as garments designing and manufacturing garment company; In the earliest hart Max or pants use zippers (1936). In 1983,UGG Boots UK, the company was renamed hart - Max (Hartmarx) Co., LTD. In the 20th century,ugg classic metallic boots, hart Max in the United States more than 1,000 domestic expand the shop. In 2007, Hartmarx group total sales of $1 billion. Robust,Louis Vuitton Sunglasses Man coat fashion, intelligent, innovation, from native American, price moderate, mainstream crowd with and for both image should not be rich ideas, the delegate selection is the President of the United States why hart Max suit brand, also like his own personality.
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