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the knife __he cut the bread is very sharp

发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-06 07:27



...knife __he uesd to cut the bread is very sharp.A.with which B...

【解释】考点:定语从句,分两种情况解释如下:1、use解释“用” ,有句型sb. use sth. to do 选B. which The knife which he used to cut the bread is very sharp knife 作use 的宾语 2、used to do 解释“过去常常做某事”选A. with which 句子还原:He uesd to cut the bread with ...

初中英语语法:中考英语语法 定于从句精讲精练和答案

6. The house ___ stands on the top of the hill was built last month. 7. The medicine ___ he bought is good for your health. 8. He is the only person ___ saw the accident yesterday. 9. Tom is trying to read in the room ___ the others are watching TV. 10. We won’t fo...


1、The knife we used to cut the bread is very sharp. A.which B.with C.with it D.with which2、The brave man, the tiger was shot, is a good hunter. A.of whom B.by that C.by whom D.by which3、The clever boy made a hole in the...


1、The knife we used to cut the bread is very sharp.A.whichB.withC.with itD.with which 2、The brave man, the tiger was shot, is a good hunter.A.of whomB.by thatC.by whomD.by which 3、The clever boy made a hole in the wall, he could see what it was...


22. The knife ___we used to cut the bread is very sharp . A. with which B. with it C. with that D. which 23. The games ___the young men competed in were difficult . A. in which B. which C. it D. who Key: 1-5DCCDA 6-10 BCBCD 11-15 DBDBC 16-20 ABDCA 21- 23 DA...


I like best.A. which B. whose C. what D. where 36.Please bring back the dictionary ___I lent to you last week.A. where B. what C. which D. who 37.The knife ___we cut the bread is very sharp.A. with which B. that which C. which with D. which ...


(1)不用that的情况 (a) 在引导非限定性定语从句时。(错)The tree, that is four hundred years old, Is very famous here.(b) 介词后不能用。We depend on the land from which we get our food.We depend on the land that/which we get our food from.(2) 只能用that作为定语从句的...

a sharp contrast classic knife utility knife breadknife paring knife breadkinfe是什么意思 paring knife是什么刀 sharp teeth a sharp turn
印度固斯山在哪里 280克是属于大棉还是二棉鞋 2021年4月份征期到几号 2021年4月份征期到什么时候 4月报税时间 上海男人夏天穿什么鞋,上海旅游攻略夏天鞋子分享 黑龙江省,夏季到秋季期间那个月份是卖鞋的淡季。求详细回复。谢谢... 云阳大巴车到岐阳镇要多久能到 云阳县票草镇离云阳龙缸景区多少公里 立秋了!还给孩子穿二棉鞋还是加绒鞋 The knife __he uesd to cut the bread is very sharp.A.with whic... 李宁板鞋有夏季的吗 手机内存太满又无法删除怎么办 法律规定的劳动保险费是什么 劳动保险费属于规费吗 现在植物大战僵尸2这游戏收费吗? 植物大战僵尸这手机游戏要钱吗? 关于我回家晚了的名言警句诗句 我有一句名言:时光机只能使人去到未来,而不能回到过去。 猪笼草怎么浇水?几天一次? 跪求win7家庭普通版激活工具 财务公司借款可不可以不还? 王者荣耀为什么嬴政第二个技能没有法术加成 房子全款发票拿到房管局办事大厅即拿契税。以后卖房子是不是要少交... 买房有全款发票提前去交税是不是要少交? 买房不交契税的时候可不可以把金额缩小一点 pr剪视频卡顿怎么解决 西瓜头留齐肩短发需要留多久 短发多久能留长 舌尖上的成都美食攻略_成都特色美食推荐(2) 通俗易懂理解ORBSLAM2跟踪模块 ...点点出血,也不严重,过一段时间又好了,这会是什么情况引起的?_百度... ...结果发现有血,右耳听力应该没有下降,是怎么回事 ...流血 流脓 这是什么症状 耳朵流血流脓是 什么原因? 去过杭州行程码多久更新 在杭州行程码还是显示老家的怎么办 杭州市行程码号,还可以回老家吗? 可以投诉公司吗 员工在什么情况下可以告公司 良言一句三冬暖的下一句是什么? 做什么任务 做什么任务啊 各职业必做职业任务 小蚁智能摄像机去哪下载苹果app 江门亲子鉴定中心孕期鉴定费用多少? 吴召国老婆是谁 经验交流〗太多人都在问吴召国媳妇是谁 思埠集团董事长吴召国老婆是谁 头上碰的包怎么下去 茶吧机不能加热是机子坏还是电水壶坏