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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 00:20



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 05:53

working experiences:

2007/7-now, Delphi china
instry: automotor and parts
validation Laboratory test
in charge of the maintainance and the annual calibration of the lab devices to assure the experiment programs; assists the test engineers and make the practice dos and donots according to the descriptions of the devices.

2005/5-2007/7, yanfeng key (shanghai) automotive safety system co., ltd
instry: automotor and parts
technique center Test Technician
in charge of the maintainance of the lab devices to assure the experiment programs; assists the test engineers and make the practice dos and donots according to the descriptions of the devices.

2001/6-2003/4, Shanghai Rectron Electronics CO., LTD.
instry: Electronics / Semiconctor / IC
equipments department: Maintenance Technician
in charge of the maintenance of th semiconctor rectifier printing machines and the regular calibration.

1999/10-2001/3, Shanghai Ya Hong Electronics CO.,LTD
instry: Electronics / semiconctor / IC
technique department: technician
in charge of the improving and modifying of the semiconctor rectifier diode process, emergency treatments ring the process and the assessment of the experimental programs

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 05:53

狐臭腋臭88 淘宝搜索 清怡堂清怡粉 2011-5-31 上午 11:40:03
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