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有谁知道会计六大要素的英文的定义?知道的帮帮忙,谢了! 注意,是定义,不是直接把六个名词翻译过来!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 00:38



热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 11:19


1、Assetsrefer to the resources that are owned or controlled by the enterprise and are expected to bring economic benefits to the enterprise as a result of its past transactions or events.


2、Liabilities are the current obligations undertaken by the enterprise.


3、Owners' equity (shareholders' equity) is the investor's ownership of the net assets of a business, also known as shareholders' equity.


4、Income refers to the total inflow of economic benefits unrelated to the capital invested by the owners, which is formed in the daily activities of the enterprise and leads to the increase of owners' equity (shareholders' equity).


5、 Expensesrefer to the total outflow of economic benefits, which are not related to the distribution of profits to owners, occurring in the daily activities of an enterprise and resulting in the rection of owners' equity (shareholders' equity).


6、Profitrefers to the operating results of an enterprise in a certain accounting period, which is a kind of harvest.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 11:20


Assets(资产) refer to enterprises of past transactions or events which are owned or controlled by an enterprise, and is expected to generate economic benefits to the enterprise's resources.
Liabilities(负债) are past transactions or events, is expected to result in an outflow of economic benefits from the enterprise's real obligations.
Owners' equity(所有者权益) refers to the enterprise assets after decting liabilities by the resial interest.
Income (收入)is to show enterprise in daily activities, increases in owners' equity, other than those relating to contributions irrelevant the gross inflow of economic benefits.
Cost(费用)is to show the enterprise in the daily activities, will lead to owners' equity, other than those relating to appropriations of profits irrelevant gross outflow of economic benefits.
Profit(利润) refers to an enterprise for a certain accounting period of the operation result.
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