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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-22 04:44



懂视网 时间:2023-01-27 20:50


  It is a sunny and fair morning. Stepping out of the settlement, I turn into the avenue, further into another avenue across the street. Sunlight reaches me through the leaves, casting moving shadow on the pavement. Wind is to blame for unrest of the shadow.

  Nobody is witnessed on the way. Quietness occupies the forest. Over there roaring vechiles on the expressway can be heard, which fails to hold me back.

  Birds greet me on the brick-paved path, sharing with the beauty of the morning.

  Further more, a Catholic church comes into my sight. The gothic architecture ,typical of the church a.appeals greatly to passers-by.

  I pass by the church almost every holiday and every weekend. The church clock is a great arrtraction to me for its gentle ringing.

  At the point, I cannot help having a song on my lips: “Here comes your birthday, my motherland.”




热心网友 时间:2023-01-27 17:58

A sunny sunday morning
It is said that the whole day's work depends on a good start in the morning.So I appreciate every morning,especially a sunny sunday morning.Because only on sundays,I have enough time to do what i want.
On that morning,when i open my eyes,the frist thing is opening the windows.Then i close my eyes and breathe the fresh air.That often gives me good mood.When you read the nature by your heart,you will find the result that the nature is full of nice things.You can smell the strong fragrance.You can hear the birds singing.You can feel the wind blowing from your ear.How wonderful!
On that morning you can't miss the sunrise.I like seeing sunrise alone.In order to see the process of sunrise,I often get up early.The sunrise can calm me down and make me think of my life.When the sun appears a small part,I can clearly see that the cloud surrounds it.The cloud just likes my parents.The sun that appears a small likes my childhood.My parents always protect me and make sure I can have a happy childhood.When the sun appears a half.The cloud round it is less.My parents told me that I was grown up,they had to let me fly,I must be responsible of my life,I must learn how to think and how to slove problems by myself.When I see the whole sun,I always say to myself"Hi girl\boy,do you want to have a nice life just like the beautiful sun.If the answer is yes.That means you have to work harder."
I appreciate sunrise just like I enjoy life.I like mornings,especially a sunny sunda追问题目怎么写

追答a Sunday morning

热心网友 时间:2023-01-27 19:16

Gloomy Sunday
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