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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-21 06:21



热心网友 时间:2023-11-13 17:01

Spicy Beancurd

Spicy Beancurd, also called Mapo Beancurd, is a very famous dish in Chinese daily life. And it is also one of the top ten welcomed dishes by foreigners.
It is not hard to prepare this dish. You just have to get some beancurd,minced beef, broad bean paste, fermented soybeans,ginger,green garlic,paprika powder,soy sauce and salt.
The first step is to cut the beancurd into 2cm square piece, add some salt in boiling water, and put the beancurd in to remove the odor of it. Remove beancurd out of water and put it into plate.
Second, chop fermented soybeans and ginger and cut green garlic into sections.
Third, heat the pan and put oil into it. Fry the minced beef.
Fourth, when the minced beef turns into golden colour, put broad bean paste in and stir-fry them.
Finally, add fermented soybeans, ginger, green garlic and paprika powder. Stir-fry them together until the beef get the colour. Put the fried beef onto beancurd and add soy sauce onto it.
A delicious Chinese dish is prepared. Hope you enjoy it.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-13 17:02

Spicy Beancurd, also called Mapo Beancurd, is a very famous dish in Chinese daily life. And it is also one of the top ten welcomed dishes by foreigners.
It is not hard to prepare this dish. You just have to get some beancurd,minced beef, broad bean paste, fermented soybeans,ginger,green garlic,paprika powder,soy sauce and salt.
The first step is to cut the beancurd into 2cm square piece, add some salt in boiling water, and put the beancurd in to remove the odor of it. Remove beancurd out of water and put it into plate.
Second, chop fermented soybeans and ginger and cut green garlic into sections.
Third, heat the pan and put oil into it. Fry the minced beef.
Fourth, when the minced beef turns into golden colour, put broad bean paste in and stir-fry them.
Finally, add fermented soybeans, ginger, green garlic and paprika powder. Stir-fry them together until the beef get the colour. Put the fried beef onto beancurd and add soy sauce onto it.
A delicious Chinese dish is prepared. Hope you enjoy it.
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