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Polaris (Superbass Dub Remix) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-03-08 21:11



热心网友 时间:2022-03-08 22:41

歌曲名:Polaris (Superbass Dub Remix)

Jimmy Eat World - Polaris
I'll say it straight and plain
I know I've made mistakes
I've always been afraid
I've always been afraid
A thousand nights or more
I travelled east and north
Please answer the door
Can you tell me
You say that love goes anywhere
In your darkest time,
it's just enough to know it's there
When you go, I'll let you be
But you're kill everything in me
Get down on your knees
Whisper what I need
Something pretty
Something pretty
I feel that when I'm old
I'll look at you and know
The world was beautiful
Then you tell me
You say that love goes anywhere
In your darkest time,
it's just enough to know it's there
When you go, I'll let you be
But you're killing everything in me
I'm done, there's nothing left to show
Try but I can't let go
Are you happy where you're standing still?
Do you really want the sugar pill?
I'll wake up tomorrow and I'll start
To another, it feels so hard
As a train approaches, getting on
As I'm sure your kiss remains employed
Am I only dreaming?
You say that love goes anywhere
In your darkest time,
it's just enough to know it's there
When you go, I'll let you be
But you're killing everything in me
When you go, I'll let you be
But you're killing everything in me

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