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求美国西进运动影响的英文资料 ~~~

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-04 12:44



热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 18:49

这是我上课要用的资料,我整理的,希望能帮到你Westward Movement (1820 ~ 1849)
The early 19th century, thousands of people went across the Appalachian Mountains or moved to west, and some pioneers, moved to the United States border, and even to the places which belonged to Mexico's territory in depth, and between Alaska and California, Oregon. The pioneers are brave and diligent, and they went to the west to seek a better life.
The Westward Movement is a large-scale immigration, which developed the processes of the American west and the urbanization, instrialization and the national integration of United States.
The Westward Movement of the U.S have had a significant and far-reaching impact on economic, political and social.
The development of agriculture in the western region provided for instrial development a large amount of food, raw materials, exports and domestic markets.
It made the labor force’s layout of United States changed; It promoted the formation of a unified domestic market and developed rapid of the eastern and western commercial complementary.
The western development and utilization of resources also met the needs of instrial development and the rapid development of the transport instry is also ... ... the American Westward Movement inspired American creativity and economic vitality, and the United States improved the national comprehensive strength and international status; It was of great significance for the United States that took off the entire national economy.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 18:50

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