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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-02 13:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 04:01


Once Again I’m longing
for your hungry touch
Picture when you on me
I’m missing you so much
You turn on light imagination
goal your follow way
And in my fantasy you came my body
I need you back to stay
I get my Inside out and my headache won’t stop
I fail to not look back as I’m bouncing down the wrong track
Half way up your smile going down but I’m getting stronger and stronger
Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)
But I’m getting stronger and stronger
Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)
But I’m getting stronger and stronger
Midnight turns to morning
I don’t get lot sleep
I know that you are out there somewhere being someone else’s treat
Have think us knows just how to please me
Chance run down my spying
And when you wake up spill your kisses I am shivering inside it
I get my Inside out and my headache won’t stop
I fail to not look back as I’m bouncing down the wrong track
Half way up your smile going down but I’m getting stronger and stronger.
Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)
But I’m getting stronger and stronger
Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)
But I’m getting stronger and stronger
But I’m getting stronger and stronger
Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)
Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)
Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)
But I’m getting stronger and stronger
I get my Inside out and my headache won’t stop
I fail to not look back as I’m bouncing down the wrong track
Half way up your smile going down but I’m getting stronger and stronger
Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)
But I’m getting stronger and stronger
Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)
But I’m getting stronger and stronger
I get my Inside out and my headache won’t stop
I fail to not look back as I’m bouncing down the wrong track
Half way up your smile going down but I’m getting stronger and stronger
Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)
Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)
Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo)
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