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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-18 01:25



热心网友 时间:2023-11-23 23:04

I'd alway realized that I'm not doing well in English.
But I always have the faith that I could make it to learn this language well.
I wish someday I could easily get excellent marks in the tests.
And be able to speak to foreigners bravely and fluently.
I hope to speak English smoothly as I do in my native language.
I've been working my best and willing to keep going on.
I'll be struggling on it even if that someday I get a good command of English.
I think my English would be different from yesterday.
I believe in the saying"Man proposes and God disposes. " And more in "Success belongs to the persevering."
I believe in myself that someday I could make it to speak this language well enough as I do in Mandarin(汉语).
And that day won't be far off but just right on the next bright morning.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-23 23:05

i always know that i am not doing very well in english. but i have the faith that i can learn it well. i hope some day in the future i will be able to get good marks in tests, be able to communicate with ease with foreign friends in english, and be able to speak english as fluently as i speak Chinese.
i have been making a great effort and i will keep it up even after when i am very good at english. my english level can't stay the same as now.
i am a firm believer that man proposes and god disposes , and success belongs to the persevering. i am confident that my english skills can be as good as my chinese ones some day. and it won't be far off in the future, maybe tomorrow!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-23 23:05

i know that i'm weak in English, but i've always believed that i can do well in this language.
i hope that i can pass the exam with flying colours someday, and also communicate with my foreign friends.
Hopefully i can speak English fluently like my mother language someday.
I'm trying hard, and i've always putting my best effort in learning English. i will never give up no matter what.
i'm sure that i'll improve more and more in every single day.
i believe in the saying "man proposes and god disposes", and people used to say that "success belongs to the presevering".
i know that i'll make it someday, and that particular day is not far from now. It's tomorrow!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-23 23:06

I have known my English is not good, but I have believed I may study very well. I hoped that one day of me to be possible to make the outstanding progress in the test, hoped that one day to be possible loudly exchanges with English and the foreign friend, hoped the one day of my English to be possible to say by me is similar to Chinese is like that fluent. I have been trying hard, later also continuously diligently. Will be very good until mine English very good later to continue to try hard. I believed that my English has not looked like now like this! I believed that `plans matters in the human, the heaven disposes ', believed that `insisted is wins '. I believed that one day, I might the same Chinese which spoke English general good. But this day, too will not be far, in tomorrow!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-23 23:06

I have always known that my english is not very good, but I belive if I try, I could study it very well.
I hope one day I am possible to make outstanding progress in the test, and talk freely with an english-foreign friend.I am wishing that I could speak my english fluently as my chinese. I have been trying hard, later also continuously diligently.
I belive "Man proposes and God disposes",and "Success belongs to the persevering

热心网友 时间:2023-11-23 23:07

I have known my English is not well, but I have believed I can study it very well. .
I hoped that one day I can be possible to make the outstanding progress in the test, hoped that one day to be possible loudly exchanges with foreign friend in English, hoped the one day my English to be possible to say is the as my Chinese spoken like that fluent. I have been trying hard, later also continuously diligently. Until my English will be very good I still study hard. I believed that man proposes and God disposes ! I even believed that success belongs to the persevering.
I believed that one day, I might the same Chinese which spoke English general good. But this day, it will not be so far, maybe in tomorrow!
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