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麻烦将下面的文章翻译成英文! 急急急!```多谢了!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 03:00



热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 04:29

  Dear Sir / Madam:
  I am pleased to refer to you, Mr. Shao Zhoufeng, he is the sun over the past three years, a senior director of department stores, department stores, our sun is a large department store, Mr. Zhou Feng served as director, the work includes: site work management, equipment management, employee management, staff training, proct promotion and sales management related work. Sales management related work in which the main content --- responsible for sales of goods, the company mission is to minimize the total amount of inventory of goods, striving to achieve high sales performance; striving for high profits; the company's rapid sales of goods in a timely manner to minimize the inventory of goods; frequently visited department stores, sales of goods sold Inventory of understanding (known as a variety of best-selling and slow-moving, over-quarter, samples, break codes, and other goods stolen resies), for the commencement of sales promotion to provide accurate information; season, the responsible Ministry to urge the timely replacement of seasonal merchandise items, slow moving, over-quarter, samples, broken code (standard is listed more than 90 days, clothing, footwear, accessories total number of company-wide inventory is less than or equal to three of the goods), resial and other goods stolen immediately promotions; weekly department store to the sun, the monthly statistical summary of situation, and so, reflection, analysis statements, etc., summarized sales rise and fall of the factors and adjust the sales plan for the timely provision of advice and rationalization actively expand the market research, timely understanding of the instry's promotional activities, a variety of merchandise sales, the new listing of other market information, timely and fast tracking the arrival of replenishment, and work out a new display and other related work.
  Mr. Zhou Feng is also responsible for accepting looking to negotiate buy wholesale and customer complaints Sunshine Department Store shopping malls (such as pre-, ring and after service; return) and other related work (in principle is not lost in the company's efficiency and customer rights are not against). Mr. Zhou Feng is also responsible for the direction, supervision, inspection and assessment work of the staff work in time to solve problems that arise, to ensure that work normally. Training staff in the sun and often all the basic work of department stores and new proct features to use. For example, how to recommend to their customers explaining the new listing of goods and how to use the new proct functions. In short, Mr. Zhou Feng has a good head of department store experience, serious and trustworthy
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