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求英语大神翻译这篇文章~ 满分相送~ 有点长,机器翻译的绕道

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-18 17:08



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 17:37

In 1993, the enterprise, has ten years not to accept media interviews at the top of the Michael Jackson accepted oprah - wen Foley's live interview, the interview recorded at the time of the records in the United States, made the King of Pop, and also the TV queen oprah winfrey, Jackson even specifically said that the origin of the master of the King of Pop. Before the interview, many American media in rendering the negative news of Michael Jackson, white skin, discrimination against blacks identity, smuggling ivory, promiscuous, etc., after the interview, all these malicious attacks land disappeared in the United States. In an interview, he talked about his family, about your lonely and painful childhood, with brothers and sisters and father, the contradiction of the media for their blasphemy, commercials benevolence after burns, white skin, black identity to oneself feeling, cosmetic, dance moves in the classic catch crotch, king of the pop music of the origins of the name, with the opposite sex's personal life, family values and its relationship with Elizabeth Taylor, a person of extraordinary powers curtilage on-site visit Neverland narrowly on children's heart, dance a source of inspiration, as a popular pioneer attitude. Of course, also talked about his greatest wish: by the world people of all ethnic groups in mind - as a great artist

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 17:38

In 1993, Michael Jackson who was at the top of the career and not accept media exclusive interviews for ten years, accepted oprah - wen Foley's live interview, the interview set a toppest record at the time in the United States and achieved the King of Pop, and also the TV queen of oprah winfrey, Jackson even specifically said that the origin of the master of the King of Pop. Before the interview, many American medias continual bloating the negative news of Michael Jackson, white skin, discrimination against blacks identity, smuggling ivory, privacy confusion, etc., after the interview, all these malicious attacks disappeared in the United States. In the interview, he talked about his family,his lonely and painful childhood, contradiction with his brothers and sisters and father, the slander by the medias, benevolence after burned in Advertising, white skin rumour, feeling of black identity,plastic surgery hearsay, dance moves in the classic grasp crotch, the origins of the name king of the pop music, personal life with the opposite sex, family values, relationship with Elizabeth Taylor, on-site visit to elite housing Neverland, kindhearted to children, inspiration source of dancing, attitudes as a popular pioneer. Of course,he also talked about his greatest wish: remembered by the world people of all ethnic groups- as a outstanding artist.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 17:38

In 1993, the top ten years career, has not accepted the media interview of Michael Jackson accepted Oprah - Winfrey broadcast the interview, the interview record at the time of the United States of America ratings record, the achievements of the King of Pop, the achievements of the Oprah TV queen status, Jackson even specially said King origin of of Pop the title of the. Before the interview, many negative news the United States media continue to render Michael Jackson, skin bleaching, black identity discrimination, ivory, promiscuous and so on, after the interview, all these malicious attacks in the United States on the land disappeared. In the interview, he talked about his family, about his lonely and painful childhood, my brothers and sisters and father of the contradiction, the media for their evil, commercials after burn, kindness, rumors of his skin bleaching, black identity feelings, plastic surgery rumors, the classical dance of grasping the crotch, the king of pop music name origin, and sex life, family values, and Elizabeth - Taylor, the luxury Neverland tour, on children's charity dance, source of inspiration, as state of popular pioneer. Of course, also talked about his greatest wish is: the peoples of the world to remember -- to a great artist

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 17:39

In 1993, the cause of the summit, has 10 years does not accept media interviews Michael Jackson - accepted Oprah - temperature Foley live interview, set a ratings record that interview, the achievements of the King of Pop, but also achievementsOprah's TV Queen position, Jackson even specifically said the King of Pop's appellation of origin. Before that interview, many U.S. media rendering - Michael Jackson's negative news, bleaching skin, black identity discrimination, smuggling ivory, chaotic private life, after that interview, all of these malicious attacks on American soil on are gone. In the interview, he talked about their families, about their lonely and painful childhood, conflicts with siblings and father, media reproach, shot charity advertising burns, skin bleaching rumors of their black identity feelings, rumors of cosmetic surgery, dance, classic grip crotch, the origins of the name of the King of Pop, and the private lives of the opposite sex, family values, the relationship with Elizabeth - Taylor, mansion Neverland live tour, the children's kindness, dance a source of inspiration, as the popular Pioneer attitude. Of course, also talked about his greatest hope: the identity of the peoples of the world to bear in mind - to a great artist

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 17:39

In 1993,the topten yearscareer,hasnotaccepted the media interviewof MichaelJacksonaccepted Oprah -Winfreybroadcastthe interview,the interviewrecord at the timeofthe United States of Americaratings record,the achievements of the KingofPop,the achievements of theOprahTVqueen status,Jacksoneven speciallysaid Kingorigin of ofPopthe title ofthe.Before theinterview,many negative newsthe United Statesmediacontinue torenderMichaelJackson,skin bleaching,blackidentitydiscrimination,ivory,promiscuousand so on,afterthe interview,all thesemalicious attacksinthe United Stateson the landdisappeared.In the interview,hetalked about hisfamily,about hislonely andpainful childhood,my brothers and sistersandfatherof thecontradiction,the media for theirevil,commercialsafter burn,kindness,rumorsof hisskin bleaching,black identityfeelings,plastic surgeryrumors,the classicaldanceofgraspingthe crotch,the king of pop musicnameorigin,andsexlife,family values,andElizabeth-Taylor,theluxuryNeverlandtour,on children'scharitydance,source ofinspiration,asstateofpopularpioneer.Of course,also talked about hisgreatest wishis:the peoples of the world toremember--toa greatartist
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