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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 09:58



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 16:51


The Burj Al Arab hotel in Du was designed by WS Atkins and Partners and constructed by Murray and Roberts from South Africa. Construction began in 1994 and completion was in October 1999 with the doors opening for guests on 01 December 1999. The man-made island on which the Burj Al Arab is situated took three years to build and is about 300m offshore with a single bridge linking the hotel with mainland Du. The Burj Al Arab is part of the Jumeirah Group, a Du-based luxury hospitality organisation.

Inside the hotel is a magnificant atrium which is large enough to completely contain the Du World Trade Center - for many years the tallest building in Du until the late 1990s. There is also a large aquarium with a variety of exotic fish on display, and the occasional diver cleaning the inside of the tank.

The Burj Al Arab hotel has just over 200 luxuriously furnished plex suites on 28 floors with a concierge on each floor. Room rates per night range from the quite reasonable US$1000 per night if you can get a mid-summer discount, to the less-expensive-than-expected US$3500 for the deluxe 2 bedroom suite with two jacuzzis (according to the Burj Al Arab website in May 2006). These rates do include breakfast but there's another 10% service charge and 10% municipality tax.

For something a little less harsh on the bank account, afternoon tea is available at the Burj Al Arab in the Skyview Bar for about AED 350 (check their website for "special offers") from 1400-1800 but not on Fridays, and you have to book several weeks in advance. Cheapest way to visit the hotel is to buy 250 dhs worth of drinks.

The distinctive sail-like shape (designed to resemble the sail on a traditional Arabic dhow) of the iconic Burj Al Arab hotel is instantly recognisable around the world as "that 7 star hotel in Du". It is reported that the intention behind the development of the Burj Al Arab was to give Du a unique symbol that puts it on the world map, similar to what the Eiffel Tower has done for Paris, the Sydney Opera House for Sydney, the Statue of Liberty for New York and so on. There is no doubt about that goal having been achieved.
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