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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 09:31



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 23:09

Long,long time ago, there lived a king and a queen. They had a beautiful daughter, named Snow White. Although amiable as she was, Snow White, pursued by a jealous queen, hided with the Dwarfs; the queen fed her a poison apple, but Prince Charming awakens her with a kiss.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 23:10

Snow White is a beautiful little princess. Her stepmother, the evil queen ask a guard/hunter to kill her but the guy send her into a forest. Then Snow White meet the kindhearted Seven Dwarfs and make friends with them , live together happily. The bad queen has a mirror, it tell her Snow White still is alive, then she dressed as an old woman and tricked Snow White to eat the poisonous apple. Those Seven Dwarfs are very sad, and put her in a crystal coffin. A prince pass by the forest and fell in love with the beautiful Snow White . The poison apple's curse was disapeared, Snow White was rescued.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 23:10

Long,long time ago,there lived a king and a queen.They had a beautiful daughter,named Snow White.Although amiable as she was,Snow White,pursued by a jealous queen,hided with the Dwarfs; the queen fed her a poison apple,but Prince Charming awakens her with a kiss.
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