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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 09:24



热心网友 时间:2023-07-26 11:27

  一、促进区域经济发展长三角是作为中国经济最为发达的地区,2008年度统计数据表明,长三角地区占全国土地的1%,人口占全国7.0%,创造了18.28%的国内生产总值、全国20.04%的财政收入和37.05%的外贸出口。 First, to promote economic development in the Yangtze River Delta region as the most developed regions of China, 2008 Statistics show that the Yangtze River Delta region accounts for 1% of the land, accounting for 7.0% of the population, creating a 18.28% of GDP, the country 20.04% 37.05% Financial revenue and foreign trade export. 上海世博会的举行,必然进一步加强上海作为长三角增长极地位,通过集聚和扩散效应,带动长三角区域经济的进一步发展。 Shanghai World Expo will be held, must further strengthen the status of Shanghai as a growth pole of the Yangtze River Delta, through agglomeration and spillover effects, and further promote regional economic development. 世博会将加速长三角人才、资本、信息、技术等生产要素向上海的集聚。 Expo will speed up the Yangtze River Delta personnel, capital, information, technology and other proction elements to gather in Shanghai. 在资金集聚方面,上海世博会预计直接投资将达30亿美元,加上世博会配套市政基础设施和交通运输投资,所需资金量巨大,仅仅依靠上海自身的能力,资金受到很大*,会直接影响举办效果。 Concentration in the capital, the Shanghai World Expo is expected the investment to reach 3 billion U.S. dollars, together with supporting municipal infrastructure Expo and transport investment, the required huge amount of money, only to rely on their ability to Shanghai, funds are very limited, will directly affect organizing effect. 长三角其它城市,是我国经济发展最活跃、*资金和民间资本最活跃的地区。 Other cities in the Yangtze River Delta, China's economic development is most active, the government funds and private capital's most active regions. 在世博经济的集聚效应下,长三角的资金将加速汇集上海。 The combined effect of the economy in the World Expo, the Yangtze River Delta's funding will accelerate the collection of Shanghai. 在信息集聚方面,世博会举办的目的在于提供一个平台,向世界各国展示人类在社会、经济、科技和文化方面的优秀成果。 In information gathering, the Expo will be held aimed at providing a platform to show the world the human social, economic, technological and cultural achievements of excellence. 届时,各类大容量的信息集聚上海,上海将成为国际、国内的信息交流中心。 By then, all kinds of large amounts of information gathered in Shanghai, Shanghai will become a domestic and international information exchange centers.

  二、产业结构的调整首先,上海世博会的举办将通过资金投入、技术升级和*扶持等因素影响第二产业结构,加速第二产业结构的升级。 Second, the adjustment of the first, the Shanghai World Expo will be held on capital investment, technology upgrading and policy support and other factors the second instrial structure, accelerate the second upgrade the instrial structure. 2008年上海人均GDP己经达到75990元(按户籍人口计算),折算成美元为9500美元(以2008年人民币对美元汇率均价1:8计算),而据统计人均GDP从5000美元到10000美元超越,传统产业将面临“技术门槛”,关键是要整合传统产业和高新技术产业。 Shanghai's per capita GDP in 2008 had reached 75,990 yuan (at household population), converted into U.S. dollars to 9,500 U.S. dollars (in 2008 the average price of RMB against the U.S. dollar 1:8 basis), while GDP per capita, according to statistics from the 5000 U.S. dollars to 10,000 U.S. dollars beyond the traditional instries will face "technical barriers", the key is to integrate traditional and high-tech instries. 2010年世博会是第一届信息化的世博会,必然促使上海将信息化作为高新技术改造传统产业的突破口,而世博经济更有利于放大高新技术为主体的外资流入量,从而进一步加速新型工业化进程。 Expo 2010 is the first information of the World Expo, Shanghai will certainly promote information technology as a breakthrough in high technology to transform traditional instries, while high-tech Expo economy more concive to enlarge inflow of foreign capital as the main body so as to further accelerate the process of new instrialization.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-26 11:27

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