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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 09:25



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 04:50

we thank all the teachers and students 's coming to culture and art festival,with our full heart and best regards.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 04:50

thanks all the teachers and students for participating our culture and art program,with our heartfelt thanks and the most pure-hearted blessing.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 04:51

We want to thank you all the teachers and students who have attended this Cultural Arts Festival from the bottom of our hearts and give you our sincere blessing.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 04:51

We offer the most heartfelt gratitude to all participation this culture art festival teacher and schoolmates and the most sincere blessing

翻译:Our world would be a very bleak prospects


1.Hundreds of students are ready to go to Shenyang World Garden Expo.数以百计的学生准备去2006年的沈阳世园会。收藏指正 2.Tourism generate new job opportunity.旅游业会带来新的就业机会。收藏指正 3.Successfully holding comprehensive sports events will exert a great influence on the developm...


5.English is everywhere, if you wish, you can learn very well


I want to talk about a set of painting , this is a pair "the cattle eats grass " painting , you can perceive any thing from this painting? All right, let me tell you: First, the cattle has been completed grass; And then, the cattle has run! Seem to be that sheep , ...


My favorite pop singer is Fang Da Tong, he wears the black short hair and takes the black glasses, what he always likes wearing black is shown solicitude for, this is my favorite person


Although this earthquake is fearful, but has brought many moves to the Chinese. Many people to protect their family member, friend, even was the stranger has made the huge effort, some have also paid their life. The whole nations have shown a their compassion. Some people donate ...

英语高手进……急…… 各位兄弟姐妹帮帮忙,翻译成英语

Please tell me the price of the following 10 pedestal machines arrived to Xiamen,and send out the machine picture to me.请将以下10台机器到达厦门的价格告诉我。并将机器图片发送给我.


One day, a rabbit met an ant. The rabbit asked the ant"what are you doing?"."I am ready to trip an elephant over.",the ant said.After several minutes, the rabbit saw a group of ants standed in a line and went out."what are you going to do?"the rabbit asked."One...


He must return those three books to the library at once , because he has kept them too long.或者 He must give those three books back to the library immediately, because he has kept them for a long time.2 春天是游玩中国园林的最好时间。Spring is the best time of travelling ...


In this passage, all the network was seen as an input to receive from the voice packet, then at a certain period of time (t) will be send to the network output. t can be at a wide range of changes, reflected in network transmission jitter. Network with the inter-node ...

英语翻译器在线翻译 英语单词翻译 有道在线翻译英语 帮帮忙 生活帮帮忙 宝可帮帮忙在哪 宝可帮帮忙 时间 作业帮帮忙 宝可帮帮忙任务
我儿子2岁零3个多月了我老公以两人无话说多次要求离婚如果离婚儿子的... 茶卡盐湖是在哪个省 ...人士给我儿子起个寓意深刻、响亮、好记、好叫的名,姓:尹 辈分:家... 15年铃木锋驭保养灯归零 如何钓鲻鱼和梭鱼 今年几月几号开学? 哈利波特魔法觉醒不可饶恕咒获得攻略 哈利波特魔法觉醒不可饶恕咒有哪些-不可饶恕咒警示 ...举报封号了,明明说可自助解封,为什么没有自助解封一栏啊?而且拉取头... 奇迹世界每日任务中奖励是2个卷轴中的云石吊坠哪里有?求大神帮助_百度... 日立中央空调外机正常内机不制冷什么情? 什么是混合人称 日立空调制冷半小时后就不制冷了是什么原因 含有修辞手法的叙事作文 如何制作自己的电子相册 不取扶的作文 想把手机上的照片制作成电子相册用什么软件制作好? 日立空调制冷内机工作外机不转,风扇和压缩机都不转 现代汉语的人称代词都是谁发明的 怎么做画册电子书?? 运用第二人称写作有何作用 日立立式空调为什么不制热?屏幕显示室内温度为零下几度(当时室温是11度) 日立空调不制冷维修方法有没有人知道 一个男生喜欢一个女生会有什么样的表现呢? 请问是什么 日立中央空调不制冷是什么原因导致的 鏈夐┈娑﹀湪灏辫屼簡锛屾垜浠鍦ㄤ笉鍦ㄦ剰涔変笉澶是什么字 日立空调不制冷的原因是什么 日立空调制冷内机工作外机不转,风扇和压缩机都不转 日立多联机调试步骤 日立空调在制冷5-6小时后就不制冷了, 日立空调不制冷怎么办 求助,日立空调外机不启动是怎么回事 兴业什么时候上市 兴业发债什么时侯上市 兴业发债是什么时候上市 消费金融贷款逾期会坐牢吗? 兴业银行上市了吗 兴业转债上市代码 兴业转债预计上市时间 消费金融贷款逾期会坐牢吗 消费贷逾期一天上征信吗 兴业银行上市时间 兴业银行股票当初上市发行价是多少 404 Not Found 兴业银行哪年哪个主板上市 麦的汉字释义 欠中银消费金融有限公司的贷款还不上了怎么办