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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-25 05:33



热心网友 时间:2024-03-21 23:08

The concept of core competence is in 1990 the University of Michigan Business School Professor CK Prahalad (CKPrahalad) and London Business School professor Gary Hamel • (Gary Hamel), in its co-author of "core competencies" ( The Core Competence of the Corporation) of a text (published in May of 1990 to the June Harvard Business Review (the havord business review) on the) first put forward. Their core competitiveness is defined as: "In an organization through the integration of the knowledge and skills, especially how to coordinate on a wide range of proction skills and integration of different technical knowledge and skills." Procts or services from the relationship between the point of view, core competence is in fact implicit in the company's core procts or services which the knowledge and skills, or the collective body of knowledge and skills.
Prahalad and Hamel in the view, first of all, the core competitiveness should help companies to enter the different markets, it should become the basis for expanding the capacity of the operation. Second, the core competitiveness of the company to create procts and services have made great contributions to customer value, and its contribution to the achievement of most concern to customers, the core, fundamental interests, not just some ordinary, short-term benefits. Finally, the company's core competence should be difficult to replicate by competitors, and imitation. As president of Haier Group Zhang said: "Innovation (capacity) is really the core of Haier competitiveness, because it is not easy or can not be imitated by competitors."
The core competitiveness of an enterprise (people, countries or indivials take part in the competition) to long-term ability to achieve competitive advantage. Is unique to be able to stand the test of time, with scalability and is difficult to imitate rival technology or capacity.
Core competitiveness, also known as "core (competition) capacity," "the core of competitive advantage", referring to the organization have to deal with external change and intense competition and the ability of competitors to win the set.
Core competence is the competitiveness of enterprises which will enable the most basic long-term stability of the entire enterprise to maintain competitive advantage, access to the competitiveness of the stability of excess profits, assets and skills is the organic integration of the operating mechanism of their own organizational capacity, is the implementation of internal management strategy and external strategic transaction results.
The core of the modern enterprise is a competitive knowledge and innovation as the basic core of enterprises in some key resources or a combination of key competencies is to enable businesses, instries and countries in a certain period of time to maintain real or potential competitive advantage of the dynamic equilibrium system .
Core competence is the popular talk about a unique, difficult to rely on other people's ability to obtain a simple imitation. (Zhang Jian, president of the definition of long-term)
[Edit this paragraph] The characteristics of the core competitiveness
Provides businesses with a wide range of procts into the market potential channels (scalability); for larger customers end-user value (usefulness). The company have outstanding performance or stability on the long-term advantage, and ultimately God, but also by the business - the customer to judge. All competition in the final analysis, to better meet customer demand for the use must be authorized to make procts with practical value customers; hard to imitate by competitors (unique). In general, the core competitiveness of enterprises with competitors in terms of higher barriers to entry, the structure of the core competitiveness of the intelligent composition of the greater proportion, by virtue of its core businesses will be able to receive long-term competitiveness of the competition advantage; superposition. That is, two or more superimposed upon core competencies may be derived from a new core competencies, but also the core of this new capacity is often more than the original number of core competencies is a simple sum, which is similar to the scope of economics economic and resonance physics reflected by nature.
[Edit this paragraph] the core source of competitive
Company's core business is the means that create the most effective, companies in the instry take advantage of the business. In determining the enterprise's core business before you ask yourself a few questions:
◆ how the growth of enterprises?
◆ Are there any core business?
◆ Over the past performance of the core of what?
◆ today what is the core business?
◆ tomorrow what is the core business?
Many Chinese enterprises have fallen into such a misunderstanding, that is, what procts to see job profitability of the proction of such procts, so do diet today, and tomorrow the sale of cement, and real estate acquired, the result is not the core business of enterprises, by not from the market
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