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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-27 00:45



热心网友 时间:2022-06-08 21:44

So far, the modern computer applications are:
1) intelligent household appliances: all kinds of household appliances generally adopt intelligent control instead of traditional electronic circuit control, upgrading, improving the grade. Such as washing machine, air conditioning, television, VCR, microwave oven, refrigerators, electric cooker and various audio-visual equipment, etc.
2) office automation equipment: such as printers, photocopiers, fax machines, drawing machine, attendance, phone and general-purpose computer keyboard in decoding, disk drives, etc.
3) business marketing equipment: in commercial marketing system has been widely used in the electronic scale, register, bar code reader, IC card slot, taxi meter and storage safety monitoring system, market security system, air conditioning system, frozen insurance system, etc.
4) instrial automation control: instrial automation control is the earliest one-chip computer control of one of the areas. If all sorts of measurement and control system, process control, mechanical-electrical integration, PLC, etc. In chemical instry, building, metallurgy and other instrial areas.
5) intelligent instrumentation: using intelligent instrumentation greatly enhance the grade of the instrument, strengthening the function. Such as data processing and storage, faults diagnosis, networking set control etc.
6) smart communication procts: the most outstanding is mobile phone, of course, SMS chip. There is now a proct seeming is installing a what card, as long as the machine runs, through this card wireless Internet access. As long as there is the network place, can monitor.
7) automobile electronic procts: modern car concentration and display system, the dynamic monitoring control system, automatic driving system, communication system and running monitor (black), etc.
8) aerospace and defence military, sophisticated weapons, etc. As global positioning, intelligent navigation.追答翻译:
1) 智能化家用电器:各种家用电器普遍采智能化控制代替传统的电子线路控制,升级换代,提高档次。如洗衣机、空调、电视机、录像机、微波炉、电冰箱、电饭煲以及各种视听设备等。
2) 办公自动化设备:如打印机、复印机、传真机、绘图机、考勤机、电话以及通用计算机中的键盘译码、磁盘驱动等。
3) 商业营销设备:在商业营销系统中已广泛使用的电子称、收款机、条形码阅读器、IC卡刷卡机、出租车计价器以及仓储安全监测系统、商场保安系统、空气调节系统、冷冻保险系统等。
4) 工业自动化控制:工业自动化控制是最早采用单片机控制的领域之一。如各种测控系统、过程控制、机电一体化、PLC等。在化工、建筑、冶金等各种工业领域。
5) 智能化仪表:采用智能化仪表大大提升了仪表的档次,强化了功能。如数据处理和存储、故障诊断、联网集控等。
6) 智能化通信产品:最突出的是手机,当然手机内的芯片。现在有一产品好象是装个什么卡,只要机器运行,就能通过这张卡无线上网。只要有网络的地方,都可以监控。
7) 汽车电子产品:现代汽车的集中显示系统、动力监测控制系统、自动驾驶系统、通信系统和运行监视器(黑匣子)等。
8) 航空航天系统和国防军事、尖端武器等领域。如全球定位、智能导航。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-08 23:02

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