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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 10:11



热心网友 时间:2023-09-08 07:18

  中文:亲爱的玉树小朋友:  你们好!  4月14日,是你们,也是我们全国人民终生难忘的日子。就在那一天,神舟大地上发生了继四川汶川大地震的以来又一次大地震,而地震的发生地点却是你们玉树那里里!就在那一刹间,呼救声、哭泣声划破了天空的寂静,失去亲人的人痛心疾首,埋在废墟里的人无力地哀号着,在那断壁残垣之间几乎看不出一点儿生命的迹象,只有那残留着血迹的瓦片在向人们无力地诉说着……  天灾无情人有情。在地震发生后,许多救援官兵在第一时间就赶到了灾区。为了救人,他们就算因“高原反应”而病倒,也不惜一切代价去救人,哪怕要用手挖废墟,他们也决不会放弃任何一个生命!灾难可以夺走人的生命,却夺不走你们坚强的意志,更夺不走我们帮助你们渡过难关的决心!一辆辆满载着救灾物资的卡车正驶向玉树。那卡车上装载的不仅仅是救灾物资,还装载着我们十三亿中国人那真诚的心!看着*电视台播放灾情的节目,我不禁泪水涟涟。亲爱的玉树小朋友,如果你因地震而残疾,如果你失去了最重要的亲人,无论你们怎样,我都希望你们一定要坚强、乐观,让生命之花开得更加灿烂!你们一定要记着,你们的痛苦就是我们的痛苦,无论前方有多少风风雨雨,无论生活有多少坎坎坷坷,请相信我们,我们永远都在你的身边守护着你们!  如果没有这场地震,我也许无法认识你们;如果没有这场地震,也许玉树只是中国版图上一个陌生的城市。可就是这场地震,让我们之间再也没有距离;就是这场地震,让每一个中国人的心紧紧地连在一起!让我们的心永远相连,请你们相信玉树的明天会更加美好!  祝:生活快乐!  你们永远的朋友:胡媛  *月**日  英文:  Yushu a letter to the children Yushu dear children:  You!  April 14, you, the people of our country will never forget the day. On that day, following the Shenzhou-earth happened since the Wenchuan earthquake in another earthquake, and the occurrence of the earthquake location is where you Yushu in! On in that busy, hue and cry shattered the sky the silence of a lost loved one bitter, the people buried in the rubble cried weakly, in that almost do not see a little bit between Duanbicanyuan signs of life, and only remnants of blood on the tiles that to people unable to to tell the ... ...  Natural disasters, no mercy. After the earthquake, many of the rescue of officers and soldiers arrived in the disaster area the first time. In order to save lives, even though they can for "plateau response" and sick, but also to save lives at all costs, even the ruins to be g by hand, they will not give up any life! Disaster can take away people's lives but can not take away your strong will, but take our commitment to help you pull through! 1 cars trucks loaded with relief supplies are heading for Yushu. It is not just a truck load of relief supplies, the bulk of our 1.3 billion Chinese people that sincere heart! China Central Television broadcast the disaster watch program, I can not help but tearful. Yushu, dear children, if you are disabled by the earthquake, if you lose the most important family members, regardless of how you, I hope you must be strong and optimistic, so the bloom of life more brilliant! You must remember that your pain is our pain, no matter how many ups and downs ahead, no matter how many hardships, and frustrations of life Ke, believe us, we always by your side watching over you!  If not the earthquake, I may not know you; if not the earthquake, perhaps only the territory of China Yushu a strange city. May be that this earthquake, so that there is no distance between us no longer; is the earthquake, so that every Chinese person's heart are closely linked together! Let our hearts forever linked, will you believe tomorrow will be better Yushu!  I wish: happy life!  You're friends: Hu Yuan  * On ** Day  额,我会发到你的邮箱上去的,就选我吧!
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