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win10 句柄名为program manager的窗口是个什么窗口?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-09 00:40



热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 19:12

开机会出现“program manager”没响应提示分析与解决方法:

1、这个程序是迅雷下载程序,迅雷开机自动启动,在软件设置里面把开机自动启动选项去掉 就可以了。如果迅雷正在下载文件时,由于其占用系统资源非常大,会导致运行程序很慢、无法上网等现象,会感觉网速变慢,当然也不能看网上的FLASH动画,一般将此软件关闭后即可恢复正常。
2、在启动项中把相关自动运行的程序剔除掉也可以,具体步骤:开始--运行--msconfig--启动,然后把不需要自动运行的程序前面的勾去掉 。
3、用第三方软件如优化大师,进入开机启动项设置,把开机启动项里的有关与manager的启动项取消。追问1.我是在没有安装迅雷的系统了运行的,2.我问的是窗口标题为program manager,不是program manager进程。

热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 19:13



开机会出现“program manager”没响应提示分析与解决方法:

1、这个程序是迅雷下载程序,迅雷开机自动启动,在软件设置里面把开机自动启动选项去掉 就可以了。如果迅雷正在下载文件时,由于其占用系统资源非常大,会导致运行程序很慢、无法上网等现象,会感觉网速变慢,当然也不能看网上的FLASH动画,一般将此软件关闭后即可恢复正常。
2、在启动项中把相关自动运行的程序剔除掉也可以,具体步骤:开始--运行--msconfig--启动,然后把不需要自动运行的程序前面的勾去掉 。

热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 19:13


热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 19:14

来自 Wiki Pedia“Program Manager”词条,原文如下:

Program Manager is the shell of Windows 3.x and Windows NT 3.x operating systems. This shell exposed a task-orientedgraphical user interface (GUI), consisting of icons (shortcuts for programs) arranged into program groups. It replaced MS-DOS Executive, a file manager, as the default Windows shell.

Program Manager 是 Win3.x 和 WinNT(原文"NT"后可能是误加"3.x") 操作系统的shell。这个shell使图形用户界面(包含了排列在程序组里的图标)能够显示。它代替了 MS-DOS Executive 这个文件管理器,作为 Windows 的默认shell。



Program Manager is the shell of Windows 3.x and Windows NT 3.x operating systems. This shell exposed a task-orientedgraphical user interface (GUI), consisting of icons (shortcuts for programs) arranged into program groups. It replaced MS-DOS Executive, a file manager, as the default Windows shell.

Program Manager descends from Desktop Manager, the shell for OS/2 1.2. Unlike Desktop Manager, which presents its program groups in a simple list, and opens each group in a separate window, Program Manager opens program groups in child windows using the new multiple document interface in Windows 3. The icons used to represent Program Manager itself, program groups, and DOS applications in Windows 3.0 are carried over from OS/2 1.2. Windows 3.1 uses updated versions of these icons.

When executables were dropped into Program Manager from File Manager, Program Manager automatically used the executable's default icon embedded as data inside the .EXE file. Additionally, the Windows Setup program, which populated Program Manager with the standard icons of a fresh install, could also be used to add new icons in bulk after installation. Using SETUP /P from the command line, a standard layout could be installed on many machines in an enterprise using a single SETUP.INF configuration file.[1]

Beginning with Windows 3.1, Program Manager contained a StartUp group. Programs and files placed into that group would be loaded when Windows starts.

Holding down the shift key while mousing FILE then EXIT WINDOWS will save the current configuration of Program Manager to PROGMAN.INI, including the position of all program group icons, assuming that auto-arrange has been disabled. This allowed Microsoft testers to try many different configurations, but the feature remained in the shipped version.[2]

In later versions of Microsoft Windows, starting with Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0, Program Manager was replaced by Windows Explorer as the default shell. Specifically, the Start Menu took over program organization and launching ties. However, Windows 95 still gave the user the option to start Program Manager at boot.

Program Manager was still included in later versions of Windows, and could be accessed by executing PROGMAN.EXE from the command line or Run dialog. It could be used as the default shell by specifying the Shell value in the registry at either HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon (per machine) orHKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon (per user).

Microsoft removed Program Manager from Windows XP Service Pack 2. In Windows Vista, PROGMAN.EXE was removed entirely.

不过在我的电脑上(WinXP和Win10,都)发现存在你所说的这个窗体,至于“removed entirely”之类的信息,就不太清楚啦。

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