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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-09 18:45



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 13:27

I don't want to have half-hearted love affairs
I need someone who really cares
Life is too short to play silly games
I've promised myself I won't do that again

It's got to be perfect
It's got to be worth it, yeah
Too many people take second best
But I won't take anything less
It's got to be, yeah, perfect

Young hearts are foolish, they make such mistakes
They're much too eager to give their love away
Well, I have been foolish too many times
Now I'm determined I'm gonna get it right

It's got to be perfect
It's got to be worth it, yeah
Too many people take second best
But I won't take anything less
It's got to be, yeah, perfect

Young hearts are foolish, they make such mistakes
They're much too eager to give their love away
Well, I have been foolish too many times
Now I'm determined I'm gonna get it right

It's got to be perfect
It's got to be worth it, yeah
Too many people take second best
But I won't take anything less
It's got to be, yeah, perfect
It's got to be, yeah, worth it
It's got to be perfect


热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 13:28

是这个吗?是的话支持我哈(*^__^*) 嘻嘻キーラの森

作词 中村圭佑 作曲 千叶はな

编曲 小林创、神谷洵平、山口宜太、羊毛とおはな

Why do you cry?
I follow their steps on the forest trail?
Wipe your tears.
I just head for yellow and green lake?

Dream I've had was a long lonely trip.
"The Blue monn",when do you hide behind the hills?

Tu-whit Tu-whoo,can you find this song from the orange tree?
When you came,every creatures have talked and talked.

"The Black" has gone,"The Black" has gone.
Take off the soggy shoes and just run through,not turned around.
"The White" has come,"The White" has come.
It would be close,better to take a deep breath.

Why do you still cry?
I follow "the white" coming from over there?
Just Step through a dance?
I just head for the small purple field?

Dream you've had was a long delightful trip.
"The Blue Moon",you just say to Keira "sweet day"

Dream you've had was a long delightful trip.
"The Blue Moon",you just say to Keira "sweet day"
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