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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-13 11:13



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 04:57

翻翻哈利波特的书看看吧,小天狼星又不是leading role,应该少有写他的文章吧~
这里有一段关于Sirius Black的介绍,您看看吧~

Sirius Black, nicknamed Padfoot, is the last heir of the House of Black, a once notable pure-blood Wizarding family. Sirius's early life proved unhappy; he had come to hate most of his relatives, in particular his mother. He rejected his family's pure-blood elitism and reverence for the Dark Arts. In contrast to his home life, Sirius greatly enjoys life at Hogwarts, where he is inseparable from his best friends: James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Sirius leaves home at the age of sixteen and takes refuge with James and his parents. His outraged mother burns his name off the family tree. He is left financially independent by his Uncle Alphard's generous bequest. After leaving school, he remained close friends with James and eventually attended James and Lily's wedding as best man. When their son, Harry, was born, the Potters name Sirius Harry's godfather. When James and Lily are killed by Voldemort while protecting their child, Sirius tracks Pettigrew down because the latter betrayed the Potters to Voldemort. However, Pettigrew manages to fake his own death, but not before killing twelve Muggles and framing Sirius for betraying the Potters. Sirius is then arrested because of Pettigrew's crimes, and spends the next years in Azkaban. Sirius states that unlike most other Azkaban prisoners, who often became insane ring their terms of imprisonment, he was able to keep his sanity because he knew he was innocent. He was able to transform into his Animagus dog form, knowing that the dementors lack the ability to perceive unsophisticated canine feelings.

Twelve years later, Sirius sees a picture of the Weasley family on the front cover of the Daily Prophet, in which a rat stands perched on Ron's shoulder; Sirius immediately recognises Pettigrew in his Animagus form. This knowledge clears his mind and he becomes the first person known to have escaped Azkaban, accomplishing this feat by transforming into his Animagus form: his severe weight loss from malnutrition allowed him to slip through his cell bars. After his escape, Sirius takes refuge in and around Hogsmeade. Knowing that the dementors are stationed around Hogsmeade and at Hogwarts, Sirius remains in his Animagus form ring this time, and is able to enter the Hogwarts grounds without being recognised by the dementors. Towards the end of Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry, Ron, and Hermione confront Sirius and Harry attempts to kills him; however, Lupin's timely intervention prevents Harry from doing this. Lupin, who has learned that Sirius is innocent, is reunited in friendship with him. Pettigrew is unmasked, and Harry begins to view Sirius as a surrogate father, although events swiftly turn against him again – Pettigrew escapes, and Sirius is captured by the Dementors at Hogwarts and sentenced to the "Dementor's Kiss". Harry and Hermione help him escape with Buckbeak, a hippogriff who had also been unjustly condemned.

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Sirius has little influence; his return cannot prevent the disaster at the Triwizard Tournament and he mostly gives Harry advice on how to complete the Triwizard Tasks. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Sirius takes refuge in his ancient family home at 12, Grimmauld Place, which he allows to be used as the Order headquarters. His confinement causes depression, and he is frequently withdrawn and antagonistic. The hostility between himself and Kreacher, his demented house-elf, also affects him. When he briefly leaves the house to see Harry off to Hogwarts, his Animagus form is recognised by Draco and Lucius Malfoy, resulting in more threats and warnings. Near the middle of the novel, a large number of Death Eaters, including Sirius's hated cousin Bellatrix Lestrange, break out of Azkaban. The Ministry, which refuses to accept that Voldemort has returned and that the dementors have joined him, tries to place the blame on Sirius, stating that Sirius helped the prisoners escape and is leading them. Sirius acts as a brother figure to Harry throughout the book but, according to Rowling, "what Harry craves is a father."[4] Sirius encourages Harry to oppose Dolores Umbridge and her reforms, and strongly approves of Harry starting the secret defensive tutorial group for students, Dumbledore's Army. He also demonstrates a high-level of trust in and respect for Harry, willingly answering the latter's questions about the Order and Voldemort.

With his growing power, Voldemort implants a false vision into Harry's mind that Sirius is captive and under torture at the Department of Mysteries. Convinced that Voldemort is torturing Sirius, Harry and his friends gain access to the Department of Mysteries. When they are ambushed by Death Eaters, Harry realises that Voldemort haslured him into a trap. Snape, however, alerts the Order that the students have gone to the Ministry after confirming that Sirius is safe at Grimmauld Place. Several Order members arrive at the Ministry, Sirius among them, and battle the Death Eaters in the "Death Chamber." During a frenzied el with Bellatrix, Sirius taunts her for failing to harm him. Bellatrix strikes Sirius with a curse, sending him backwards into the veil, causing his death.

Sirius was portrayed by Gary Oldman in the film adaptations of Prisoner of Azkaban,Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix. Sirius as a teenager also made a brief appearance in Order of the Phoenix, and was played by James Walters.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 04:58

英文名:Sirius Black
学院:格兰芬多学院(大约 1971-1978)
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