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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 09:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-07 15:23

Trouble will find you no matter where you go, oh oh
无论你走到哪儿 麻烦都会找到你 哦哦
No matter if you;re fast, no matter if you;re slow, oh oh
不管你多快 不管你多慢 噢噢
The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn, oh oh
You;re fine for a while but you start to lose control
He;s there in the dark, he;s there in my heart
他在黑暗中 他在我心中
He waits in the wings, he;s gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine
麻烦是朋友 yeah 麻烦在跟著我。

Trouble is a friend, but trouble is a foe, oh oh
麻烦是朋友 可是麻烦是敌人 哦哦
And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh
He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh
我看到的他都看到 我知道的他都知道 噢噢
So don;t forget as you ease on down my road
He;s there in the dark, he;s there in my heart
他在黑暗中 他在我心中
He waits in the wings, he;s gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine
麻烦是朋友 yeah 麻烦伴随著我
So don;t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
所以当他拉住你的手臂 别惊慌
I roll down the window, I;m a sucker for his charm
我摇下车窗 臣服在他脚下
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine
麻烦是朋友 yeah 麻烦如影随行跟著我

How I hate the way he makes me feel
And how I try to make him leave
I try, oh oh I try
我尝试 哦哦 我尝试
He;s there in the dark, he;s there in my heart
他在黑暗中 他在我心中
He waits in the wings, he;s gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine
麻烦是朋友 yeah 麻烦伴随著我
So don;t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
所以 当他拉住你的手臂 别惊慌
I roll down the window, I;m a sucker for his charm
我摇下车窗 臣服在他脚下
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine
麻烦是朋友 yeah 麻烦如影随行跟著我



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