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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 13:34



热心网友 时间:2023-09-27 03:01

Chuci 楚辞 and Poetry of the South by Qu Yuan 屈原

Qu Yuan 屈原(d. 278 BC) was a high minister at the Warring States time court of the king of Chu 楚, proposing him reforms in government and an alliance with other states to encounter the power of the neighboring state of Qin 秦. When the king did not follow his advises and was taken a prisoner by Qin, Qu Yuan wrote "Sorrow after department" Li Sao 离*, a kind of autobiography. The disappointed poet drowned himself in the Dongting lake after the king of Chu died in his prison far from home. People offered rice balls to his soul, and ring the mid autumn moon festival, rice balls (zongzi 粽子) are still a popular meal. Other poems that are ascribed to Qu Yuan are the Nine Songs (Jiu Ge 九歌), the Nine Elegies (Jiu Zhang 九章), "Asking Heaven" (Tian Wen 天问) and some more. The particular style of this poetry gave it the name "Poetry of Chu (the most southern state of that period)" Chu Ci 楚辞. It is different from the northern poetry styles both in verse (the verse divider xi 兮, a particle expressing sighing) and in content. The northern literature is much more plain of feelings, while the poems in the southern state of Chu are full of sentiment and even mystical visions. Qu Yuan is guided on his horse chart to a heaven far from the human world. His evokings of the Goddess of the river is an example of shamanism widespread in the southern religion. Southern poetry later became very popular among Taoists that also saw man as a mere small being the cosm and nature.



Chinese Literature - Chuci and Poetry of the South

Scenes Illustrating Melodies from the Chu Ci


Ancient Poems: The Songs of the South (Chinese-English)


热心网友 时间:2023-09-27 03:02

Qu Yuan (339 before? Before ~ 278?) Chu late Warring States Period, outstanding politician and patriotic poet. Civilians, the original word. Chu Wu Yu-Xiong son flexor blemish for future generations. Danyang (this Zigui in Hubei Province) people.

Life's experiences of Qu Yuan Chu-wei Wang, King, evocated three times, and the main activities in the King period. This is a period when China is about to achieve the reunification on the eve of, "Wang was Qindi, longitudinal, Chu." QU reasons aristocratic descent, and that the chaos, in Xian by the club earlier by the King's favorite, the only place left, SANLVDAFU doctor. Chu Yuan for the realization of the great cause of reunification and actively supporting internal huai WANG Political Reform, external insisted the Gang Qin Qi, Chu led a strong-rich country, the cost of princes situation. However, e to domestic and foreign policy, and Chu Yuan Group decadent aristocrats in a sharp contradiction, and the doctor Shangguan jealousy, Qu Yuan was later framed and the expense of alienating King.

Huai WANG 15 years (formerly 304), Zhang Yi from Qin to Chubu to buy full-Jin Shang, of Portland, Zhengxiu and others within ** as, "to the offer of the 600," lured huai WANG, resulting in moderate officials. Huai WANG angered after being cheated twice sent troops to the Qin Dynasty, have been defeat, so as ambassador Qi Yuan ordered the repair of the old Shevardnadze good. Here again by Zhang Yi Chu and Qin, a fiery disintegration of the Union, the moderate Union failed. Huai WANG 24 years ago, cooking yellow spikes of UNITA, Chu thoroughly into the embrace of the Qin Dynasty. Qu Yuan was also expelled from Cheng to the North Han.

Huai WANG 30 years, Qu Yuan back to Cheng. The same year, about Qin Guan huai WANG-Met huai WANG Qin was detained accordingly, the ultimate customer ** Qin, evocated throne after surrendering to the implementation of policies, Qu Yuan was again expelled from Cheng, the Jiangnan exile, to their displacement in the Yuan, Hunan between dihydrate. Evocation 21 years (278 BC), Qin Bai Qi will break Cheng, Qu Yuan indignant courses, master Shen Yu Luo Jiang, with their martyrdom his political ideals.
Qu Yuan, the late Warring States Chu, an outstanding patriotic poet and politician. Civilians, the original word. Chu Wu Yu-Xiong son flexor blemish for future generations. Danyang (this Zigui in Hubei Province) people.

Qu Yuan Chu-wei Wang experienced a lifetime, King, hectare entered three times, and the main activities in the King period. This is a period when China is about to achieve the reunification on the eve of, "Wang was Qindi, longitudinal, Chu." QU reasons aristocratic descent, and that the chaos, in Xian by the club earlier by the King's favorite, the only place left, SANLVDAFU doctor. Chu Yuan for the realization of the great cause of reunification and actively supporting internal huai WANG Political Reform, external insisted the Gang Qin Qi, Chu led a strong-rich country, the cost of princes situation. However, e to domestic and foreign policy, and Chu Yuan Group decadent aristocrats in a sharp contradiction, and the doctor Shangguan jealousy, Qu Yuan was later framed and the expense of alienating King.
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