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用英语写一编五句的体育 规则

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-28 21:44



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 07:39

The basic rules of a basketball
1. The method of the game
A team of five people, one of whom is the captain, bench up to seven people, but to follow the organizers and to increase the number. Competition is divided into four sections, each 10 minutes per session, NBA 12 minutes, rest for 5 minutes between each section, NBA 130 seconds, break 10 minutes, NBA 15 minutes, and the other in the NBA in Section 4 and any 100 seconds rest between overtime. End of the game the two teams with the same points, the playoff was held for 5 minutes, after 5 minutes if the score remains the same, then again five minutes a playoff until more than the outcome so far out.
2. Category Score
The ball dropped into the basket after the referee recognized, will be considered score. 3-point line the inside of the inputs can get 2 points; the lateral line input can be 3 points 3 points, free throws dropped 1 point.
3. Make way
Start of the race by the two teams each launched a jumping player to the central jump ball area, by the trial referee tossing the two sides jump ball to start the game.
4. Replace Players
Each replacement player to be completed within 20 seconds, replace the number is not limited. Time exchange of players was selected in foul scrimmage, called pause. Referee may suspend the game of timing.
5. free throws
Each player is allowed to have four times the opportunity foul fifth shall be guilty of the full exit (NBA for six times). And he can not play again in the same game. Free throw is no one can stop, defensive situations shooting, is used as punishment for foul team, another team given the opportunity. After the free throws to stand on the free throw line after the referee took the ball from the hands to shoot within 10 seconds. After the shooting, before the ball touched the rim can not be stepped on more free-throw line
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