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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-02 01:50



热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 10:58

Lovely weather, eleven kitten lined up to travel together, the cat captain row in the first team.
All kittens: wow, what a beautiful flowers! Still end up a large brand!
Cat team: [pointing to the brand) ban, check, mining, pick.
Cat: oh, it's "qi ban picking"! But... Really want to pick!
Cat 1: there are so many flowers, take off a fine!
Cat: uh, gathered together one!
Cat team: no, can't pick them!
Cat qi: just take off a, just take off a! Miaos blare, miaos blare! Cat captain also cannot help but plucked a.

(to suspension bridge)
Cat qi: big the sign: what?
Cat team: dangerous, risks, the forbidden, check, the, this bridge.
Cat qi: oh, is "danger, prohibit through this bridge"!
Cat 2: that's all right, let's go over.
Cat 3: you go, he is not afraid.
Cat qi: ok, everybody brave points. Miaos blare, miaos blare.
(grass) to
Cat team: here, have a rest, eat dessert!
Cat: oh, dear! There five sticks a large brand!
Cat team: forbidden, check, climbing, climbing, trees, wood.
Cat close: oh, is "prohibited climb trees"! But good thought of tree eat dessert!
(found pocket)
Cat six: yi, there's a good strange pocket!
Cat team: forbidden, check and into, into, mouth, bag.
Cat qi: oh, is "prohibited from entering pocket"! But want to go in a play!
Cat 7: again toward inside a bit off!
Cat 8: don't step my tail!
Cat qi: miaos blare, miaos blare!

The Wolf out come, suddenly all these stupid cat catch! 11 cat a also many, blare hey hey, aha.
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