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阅读text generation gap:u r 2 old,写一篇150单词的作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-11 15:18



热心网友 时间:2024-05-09 04:39

Generation Gap
No one could have failed to notice that the relationship between parents and children has been a vital public topic now.Lack of understanding,parents and kids cannot exchange ideas with each other freely sometimes.we called this situation generation gap.
Why generation gap exists ?Firstly,in my view,differing from parents,children easily face diverse and various information,they are likely to do things on their own.But parents always think they are not right.So conflict and generation gap occur.Secondly,parents and children are born in different time,and they are grow up in nearly two worlds.Thus,generation gap naturally becomes the obstacle between parents and kids e to time.
As far as I am concerned,it is possible that we can build a bridge between parents and kids to span the generation gap.To start with,frequent communication is very important.Maybe the conflict will disappear while they are talk with each other.Additionally,parents could look some similar interest with kids.If kids feel parents like their friends,the gap may be vanished. Everyone knows without the slightest doubt that love is necessary,so let us communicate with your parents or kids more and more for having a better understanding instead of generation gap.
┏ (^ω^)=☞
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