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急求 英语精通者……

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-11 20:39



热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 02:52

1 The influence that New England had on American culture is mainly represented by the Puritan culture.
In my view, the Puritan influence on American culture is too often overlooked and that's a shame because their influence is as much a part of this country's psyche today as it was back in the 1600s.

The three principle influences of the Puritans came from i) religion, and ii) work, and iii) ecation where religion was the dominant theme throughout work and ecation ... in fact, religion pretty much summed up the Puritan existence -and their doctrine of "predestination" keep all Puritans constantly working hard in "this life" so as to be "chosen" for the next (eternal) life.

An ironic fact of the Puritans settling in America comes from the principle reason they left England was over religious differences and the Puritans not agreeing to supporting the monarch from a religious point-of-view (the Church of England was beyond reform in the eyes of Puritans). However, and herein is the irony, as soon as they settle into the colonies, they dictate that their religion will supersede everything and be called on to provide guidance as well as uniformity across the community.

So, instead of "religious freedom" from a King or Queen, the Puritans simply obviate the monarch aspect from governance and, essentially, form their government based on the same (as England) discriminatory practices.

The Puritans (again, in my view) brought to the colonies an extreme myopia when it came to the power and influence of religion -with little to no room for exceptionality. As such, from the beginning, they established Puritanism as the ruling class of people and anyone who fell outside those strict boundaries was essentially marginalized (I believe you can look around America in today [2008] and easily see the similarities).

Religious exclusiveness was their leading principle in the society they develop in America.

The Puritans were the ruling class and, as such, created the rules, regulations, and laws to keep themselves as the dominant class and anyone else was considered less than a citizen.

Puritans formed the first formal school in 1635, and it was called the Roxbury (near Boston) Latin School. In 1638, the first printing press arrived. In 1639, Harvard College was founded. By 1647 a Massachusetts law mandated that every town of 50 families or more support an elementary school and every town of 100 or more families support a grammar school where boys could learn latin in preparation for college (note: boys, not boys and girls; also note that the boys attending school were from the priveliged families).

By 1700, Boston was the second largest publishing center of the English Empire, and the Puritans were the first to write books for children ... as such, as others were "on the trail" (so to speak), expanding the colonies and doing the hard work of developing the land, the Puritans were advancing the colonies intellectually.

It is universally agreed that the Puritans did much to establish and maintain a presence on the initial colonies and the expansion of the colonies into the United States of America. They established a healthy economy, a school system, and believed that the political system should be an efficient one. Last but not least, the moral character of America was indeed shaped by the Puritans.

Today, it seems the Puritan frame-of mind can be found in America's economical, ecational, legal, and political systems where the work ethic as well as a heightened moral fiber is generally praised and rewarded.

参考资料:yahoo ask

热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 02:53


热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 02:53


热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 02:54

1 by invasion
2 not much
3 distance
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