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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 07:04



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 05:16

In recent years, the liquidity surplus in China's economic operation has become the outstanding issues, and China has greatly affected the implementation of the central bank's monetary policy effectiveness. This paper on China's excess liquidity of the endogenous factors and the importation of factors, as macroeconomic face greater uncertainty, the problem of excess liquidity in the short term to alleviate the problem will continue and even intensify, then analysis The mobility as an important economic and monetary phenomenon, the possible socio-economic activities of the many serious impact on China's central bank and further ease the liquidity surplus taken by a series of tight monetary policy and monetary policy tools to use the And the limitations of positive significance to the summary and a brief assessment, the last of China's actual economic situation of excess liquidity from the basic reason for using the tools of monetary policy point of view of the effectiveness of China's central bank improve the liquidity management of the relevant policy Advice.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 05:17

In recent years, the liquidity surplus in China's economic operation has become the outstanding issues, and China has greatly affected the implementation of the central bank's monetary policy effectiveness. This paper on China's excess liquidity of the endogenous factors and the importation of factors, as macroeconomic face greater uncertainty, the problem of excess liquidity in the short term to alleviate the problem will continue and even intensify, then analysis The mobility as an important economic and monetary phenomenon, the possible socio-economic activities of the many serious impact on China's central bank and further ease the liquidity surplus taken by a series of tight monetary policy and monetary policy tools to use the And the limitations of positive significance to the summary and a brief assessment, the last of China's actual economic situation of excess liquidity from the basic reason for using the tools of monetary policy point of view of the effectiveness of China's central bank improve the liquidity management of the relevant policy

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 05:17

In recent years, the liquidity surplus in China's economic operation has become the outstanding issues, and China has greatly affected the implementation of the central bank's monetary policy effectiveness. This paper on China's excess liquidity of the endogenous factors and the importation of factors, as macroeconomic face greater uncertainty, the problem of excess liquidity in the short term to alleviate the problem will continue and even intensify, then analysis The mobility as an important economic and monetary phenomenon, the possible socio-economic activities of the many serious impact on China's central bank and further ease the liquidity surplus taken by a series of tight monetary policy and monetary policy tools to use the And the limitations of positive significance to the summary and a brief assessment, the last of China's actual economic situation of excess liquidity from the basic reason for using the tools of monetary policy point of view of the effectiveness of China's central bank improve the liquidity management of the relevant policy Advice

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 05:18

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